Literary Terms I
Literary Terms II
Vocab I
Vocab II
Name American Literature/Advanced Composition Native American and Exploration Literature Unit Test DO NOT WRITE ON TEST PACKET – RECORD ANSWERS ON SCANTRON (START ON BLUE SIDE) 1) Olaudah’s vivid description of the stench in the cargo hold demonstrates this literary device at work: A. archetypes B. sensory details C. anecdotes D. metaphors 2) The purpose of a creation myth is to… A. Validate social customs B. Explain the workings of the natural world C. Explain the trials of living D. All of the above 3) An account of the horrors of the slave trade A. anecdote B. creation myth C. slave narrative D. trickster tale 4) The point of view in which Smith’s “General History of Virginia” is written A. First person B. Second person C. Third person D. None of the above 5) A character type common across cultures and time periods A. anecdote B. stereotype C. archetype D. protagonist 6) A short, personal account of a specific incident A. anecdote B. stereotype C. archetype D. trickster 7) A tangible object meant to represent an abstract idea A. metaphor B. symbol C. simile D. allusion 8) The story of Adam and Eve from the Book of Genesis is a Christian A. archetype B. myth C. creation myth D. none of the above 9) The twins in “The World on the Turtle’s Back” most strongly symbolize… A. sibling rivalry B. good and evil C. the duality of human nature D. none of the above 10) A human or animal character that sometimes possesses godlike qualities and uses their cleverness to get out of sticky situations A. archetype B. trickster C. protagonist D. antagonist 11) In the “World on the Turtle’s Back”, what element of the earth did not exist in the beginning? a) sky b) land c) water d) animals 12) In “The World on the Turtle’s Back”, play a vital role in the creation of the world a) men b) gods c) animals d) none of the above 13) At what point do the twins begin arguing with each other? a) before they are born b) when they are born c) when their mother dies d) when their grandmother begins to favor one over the other 14) What motivates the twins to create new life forms? a) sorrow b) gratitude c) loneliness d) sibling rivalry 15) Which of the following is most responsible for the right-handed twin’s victory over his brother? a) luck b) innocence c) deception d) physical strength “The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano” 16) As Equiano is loaded on the ship, his greatest worry is that he will a) drown. b) lose his temper. c) be killed by the crew. d) never again see his family. 17) It is clear from Equiano’s reactions to his experiences that he has come from a country that is a) inland. b) uncivilized. c) near the sea. d) chiefly agricultural 18) The crew reacts to Equiano’s refusal to eat by a) beating him. b) confining him below deck. c) throwing his food overboard. d) having another slave feed him. 19) Equiano is allowed to spend time on the deck because he is a) weary. b) sickly. c) desperately unhappy. d) respected for his social standing. 20) Equiano’s justification for owning slaves is a) that he offers them comfort and a better life b) that it’s only fair as he was a slave himself c) That slavery was going to exist anyway d) That he was helping them to escape Vocabulary: Choose the vocabulary word that best fits the sentence.. 21) Equiano couldn’t abide the smell in the cargo hold. A. pestilential B. copious C. countenance D. consternation 22) People were donating food and clothing in ____________________ amounts, bringing things in by the truck load. A. pestilential B. copious C. countenance D. consternation 23) Pochahontas made a/an to her father to save John Smith’s life. A. entreaty B. mollify C. interim D. industry 24) The tribe decided to the chief after they found him to be dishonest. A. entreaty B. mollify C. interim D. depose 25) Dennis felt when he noticed that his gas tank was past empty. A. mollified B. entreaty C. consternation D. countenance 26) You could tell by his _______________________ that he was scared to death; his eyes got big and his lips quivered. A. mollified B. entreaty C. consternation D. countenance 27) She was only a ____________________ friend of mine; she told me she was my friend, but then she talked about me behind my back. A. pestilential B. copious C. scruple D. nominal 28) The crooked politician was completely lacking any . A. avarice B. scruple C. countenance D. consternation 29) The mother used a lollipop to her screaming two-year-old. A. depose B. entreaty C. mollify D. scruple 30) Because he was so stingy with his money, Ebeneezer Scrooge could be described as having great . A. scruple B. countenance C. avarice D. consternation This literary device is demonstrated in this line from Beowulf: Then as dawn brightened and the day broke
What is alliteration?
A form of comedy that pokes fun at society with the intention of improving it.
What is satire?
n - something that causes pain or suffering
What is affliction?
verb - pass something on or leave something to someone else.
What is bequeath?
These traveling poet-singers performed stories like Beowulf in mead halls.
What are scops?
Chaucer uses these types of characters to show popular stereotypes of his time.
What is stock character?
A story featuring daring deeds and gallant love
What is medieval romance?
adj - well known for some bad quality or deed
What is infamous?
verb - beg someone earnestly or desperately to do something
What is implore?
The name of Arthur’s magical sword
What is Excalibur?
“…Sir Gawain cast a side glance at the ax As it glided down to give him his Kingdom Come…” is an example of this literary term.
What is allusion?
A long narrative poem that features a larger-than-life hero, supernatural monsters and reflects the values of its culture
What is an epic?
adj - furiously angry
What is livid?
express sharp disapproval or criticism of someone because of their behavior or actions
What is rebuke?
An alcoholic beverage made from fermented honey
What is mead?
Beowulf, “Prince of the Geats,” is an example of this term
What is kenning?
a phrase used in place of a given name
What is a kenning?
verb - to accumulate or receive payments or benefits
What is accrue?
noun - sly or cunning intelligence.
What is guile?
This American presidency is referred to as “Camelot”
Who is JFK?
An example of this type of irony would be when the two revelers plot against the third while he’s out buying supplies
What is dramatic irony?
Because it is a short tale used to illustrate a moral lesson, "The Pardoner's Tale" is this type of story
What is an exemplum?
adj - having a pleasant appearance and manner.
What is personable?
noun - remedy or compensation for a wrong or grievance
What is redress?
"Bunny Ears" is actually a reference to the horned beast symbolizing this man whose wife was unfaithful
Who is a cuckold?