The complete control of a resource by a single company.
Grew faster than French colonies (2 500 00 people by 1760) and were self-sufficient.
Beaver Wars
Since 1629, the Kichesiprini have been under attack from the Oneida and Mohawk, who are member of the Haudenosaunee.
represented the king, controlled the colony, looked after defence of the colony, and trade with the Indigenous Peoples
Fille du Roi
The King's Daughters
A set of rules and privileges granted to a company by a king or queen.
Indigenous Peoples
Britain did not form partnerships with Indigenous Peoples.
By 1639, almost half of the Kichesiprini were killed by the disease.
Chief administrator of the colony. He kept the colony in good order and tried to make it less dependent on France.
Money a woman brings to a marriage - an old custom
Economic rules that set the price of raw resources low and the price of manufactured goods high.
Allies of the French, so Britain considered them enemies.
The infection of a large population by disease.
Bishop of Quebec
Represented the Catholic church.
Large plots of land owned by the Seigneurs (Landlords)
A region claimed and governed by a country from another part of the world.
Thirteen Colonies
Under the control of Britain, although their leaders, the Governors, were trying to make them more independent.
The ability of the body to fight off infection.
Merchants roles
Could be a blacksmith, shoemaker, masons, baker, or butchers. Could also make a living in the fur trade.
Farmers who lived on the seigneuries.
A policy/decision on the part of a ruler or government of one territory to dominate other territories.
Rupert's Land
Monopoly of the fur trade for the HBC.
Loss of culture began fairly quickly, with Europeans wanting the Indigenous Peoples to learn English/French and British/French customs.
Catholic Church
Provided spiritual and moral guidance, as well as creating schools, hospitals, and orphanages.
Coureur de Bois
Means Runner of the Woods - they worked independently and sold their furs to anyone they wanted.