Christopher Columbus
Aztec and Incan Empires
European Explorers
English Settlements
In what year did Columbus "sail the ocean blue"? a) 1964 b) 1492 c) 1429
Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492.
The Aztecs were conquered by which European Explorer? a) Christopher Columbus b) Hernan Cortes c) Squanto
The Aztecs were conquered by Hernan Cortes, a conquistador from Spain.
What does the word conquistador mean in English? a) explorer b) conqueror c) traveler
Conquistador is the Spanish word for conqueror.
Nobody knows what happened to the lost colony of Roanoke, True or False?
True, the entire colony disappeared and even now no one knows why or how.
Most American slaves were from Africa, True or False?
True. Most American slaves were brought from Africa in large slaving ships.
From which country did Christopher Columbus leave? a) Spain b) England c) United States of America
Christopher Columbus sailed from Spain to the New World.
The Incan Empire was conquered by which European Explorer? a) Hernan Cortes b) Franco Pizzaro c) King Ferdinand
The Incan Empire was conquered by Franco Pizzaro, a conquistador from Spain.
The conquistadors were originally from Spain, True or False?
True. The conquistadors sailed from the country Spain.
Jamestown was named after the King of England, King James? True or False?
True, the settlement of Jamestown was named after King James of England.
Slave owners treated their slaves very well, True or False?
False. Slave owners were very cruel to their slaves. Slaves did not live nice lives. They worked from sun up to sun down and did not always have food to eat.
Which was NOT the name of one of Christopher Columbus' ships? a) The Nina b) The Santa Maria c) The Spanish Galleon
Columbus' three ships were named the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. A Spanish Galleon was a type of ship.
The capital city of the Aztec Empire eventually became Mexico City, True or False?
True. Tenochtitlan was the capital city of the Aztec Empire. Today it is called Mexico City.
Which ancient civilization did the conquistadors NOT conquer? a) The Incan Empire b) The Mayan Civilization c) The Aztec Empire
The conquistadors did not conquer the Mayans. When they arrived, all the members of the Mayan Civilization had completely disappeared. Nobody knows where they went. This is known as "The Mayan Mystery."
Ferdinand and Isabella, who sent Christopher Columbus in 1492, were the king and queen of England, True or False?
False. Ferdinand and Isabella were the king and queen of Spain, where Christopher Columbus sailed from.
Slavery is still legal today, True or False?
False. Thankfully, slavery is not legal today.
Where did Christopher Columbus think he landed when he found the new world? a) China b) The East Indes c) Spain
Christopher Columbus thought he had landed in The East Indes.
Who was the leader of the Incan Empire during its downfall? a) King James b) Christopher Columbus c) Atahualpa
Atahualpa was the leader of the Incan Empire when it was conquered. He was kidnapped and held hostage for two rooms full of gold.
Conquistadors conquered and enslaved the native people, True or False?
True, conquistadors conquered and enslaved the natives they came across.
What word was left carved on the tree at Roanoke when the abandoned colony was found? a) WAMPANOAG b) CROATOAN c) ROANOKE
The word CROATOAN was found carved on a tree when the colony of Roanoke was found abandoned.
Slaves lived in big houses called plantations, True or False?
False. In the South, many slave owners lived in big farming houses called plantations. Slaves lived in smaller homes out near the fields.
Which country is Christopher Columbus from? a) France b) Genoa c) The United States of America
Christopher Columbus was from Genoa, which is now part of the country Italy.
Cuzco was a city in the Incan Empire, True or False?
True. Cuzco was an important city in the Incan Empire at the time of its downfall.
What is a missionary? a) a person on a secret mission b) a person who goes to another place to spread their religion c) a kind of ship
A missionary is a person who goes to another place to spread their religion.
Which Native American tribe helped the Pilgrims learn how to farm their new land? a) The Cherokee b) The Wampanoag c) The Mohawk
The Wampanoag tribe helped the Pilgrims learn how to farm, especially Squanto.
The North did not need slaves because most of their work was done in factories instead of fields, True or False?
True. Southern states "needed" slaves to work their fields. Northern states did not because their work was done in factories.