Spanish Explorers
British/French Explorers
Native Americans
How did the voyages of Columbus affect the Americas? A. He taught native people to speak English. B. He showed other Europeans the way to America. C. He brought natives from the New World to Asia. D. He brought gifts of gold to the native people.
B. He showed other Europeans the way to America.
What was the MAIN cause for French, English, and Dutch exploration of the New World? A. To spread religion B. To enslave natives C. To find a waterway D. To look for resources
D. To look for resources
Which of the following is NOT an example of cooperation between Native Americans and Spanish explorers? A. Spanish brought animals that Native Americans used. B. Spanish lived among Native Americans of the Southwest. C. Spanish shared gold and silver with Native Americans. D. Spanish used Native Americans on their explorations.
D. Spanish used Native Americans on their explorations.
Looking for the Northwest Passage was a cause of European exploration. What was the Northwest Passage? A. A trail through the Appalachian Mountains B. A land bridge from Asia to North America C. A water route around North America to Asia D. A path Spanish explorers travelled to Arizona
C. A water route around North America to Asia
Which of the following is the Native American belief about land that caused conflict between the natives and the explorers? A. Native Americans believed all the land belonged to them. B. Native Americans believed the land should be shared. C. Native Americans believed Europeans owned the land. D. Native Americans believed no one should own the land.
D. Native Americans believed no one should own the land.
Which of the following is a cause of Spanish exploration in the New World? A. They searched for gold and other riches. B. They wanted to establish a fishing trade. C. They wanted to participate in the fur trade. D. They looked for a water route to the Pacific.
A. They searched for gold and other riches.
Prince Henry of Portugal opened a school for.... A. Sailors B. Teachers C. Shipbuilders D. Native Americans
A. Sailors
Which of the following is NOT a cause of conflict between Native Americans and Spanish explorers in New Spain? A. The Spanish wanted Native Americans to become Catholic. B. The Spanish made slaves of Native Americans to work on their ranches. C. The Spanish claimed Native American land as Spanish land. D. The Spanish needed Native Americans to teach them to mine.
D. The Spanish needed Native Americans to teach them to mine.
What technological tool was used to help sailors find their longitude, or distance east or west of the prime meridian? A. Compass B. Astrolabe C. Map D. Chronometer
B. Astrolabe
How did the Spanish change the Native American Culture? A. They wanted to convert them to Christianity. B. They helped them chop wood. C. They built longhouses. D. They traded furs.
A. They converted them to Christianity.
Juan Ponce de Leon went in search of the Fountain of Youth, but he found what? A. The Fountain of Youth B. The Aztecs C. Florida D. The Spanish
C. Florida
European explorers sailed from the Old World to the New World. What is the Old World and the New World? A. Asia and Africa B. Europe and America C. Australia and Asia D. Europe and Asia
B. Europe and America
What was the MAIN reason for the conflict between the French Explorers and the Iroquois Indians? A. Religious ideas B. Fur trading C. Fishing rights D. European goods
B. Fur trading
Which of the following is a reason for conflict between Spain and England? A. The Spanish wanted to control all of the fur trade. B. The English stole treasure from the Spanish ships. C. The English wanted to own all the African slaves. D. The Spanish held French prisoners in their missions.
B. The English stole treasure from the Spanish ships.
What caused the population of Taino to decrease from Columbus' arrival until 50 years after? A. They left their home. B. They were killed by disease and explorers. C. They all became slaves. D. They moved to Europe.
B. They were killed by disease and explorers.
Hernan Cortes conquered which group of people? A. The Spanish B. The Taino C. The English D. The Aztecs
D. The Aztecs
What was French explorer Jacque Cartier looking for? A. The Seven Cities of Gold B. The Fountain of Youth C. The Incas D. The Northwest Passage and gold
D. The Northwest Passage and gold
Which of the following is an example of compromise between Native Americans and Spanish explorers? A. Native Americans worked plantations and some were paid. B. Native Americans were treated well by the Spanish. C. Native Americans accepted the Spanish ideas of religion. D. Native Americans traded animal furs for European goods.
D. Native Americans traded animal furs for European goods.
Which technological tool was used to show direction? A. Astrolabe B. Compass C. Chronometer D. Odometer
B. Compass
What is one way the Spanish changed the Native American culture? A. They enslaved many Native Americans B. They moved them to California C. They gave them ships D. They taught them to make fire.
A. They enslaved many Native Americans
Francisco Pizarro conquered which group of people? A. The Taino B. The Incas C. The Spanish D. The French
B. The Incas
Amerigo Vespucci is best known for what? A. Finding the Northwest Passage B. Finding the Fountain of Youth C. Having the Mississippi River named after him. D. Having America named after him.
D. Having America named after him.
How did the French explorers and Native Americans cooperate? A. They shared the same religious views. B. They became business partners in the fur trade. C. They learned new ways to farm the land. D. They joined together to fight against Spain.
B. They became business partners in the fur trade.
Which of these is NOT a reason for exploration? A. Religion B. Homes C. Wealth D. Curiosity
B. Homes
What is one way the French changed the Native American culture? A. They moved them to California. B. They became trade partners in the fur trade. C. They gave them gold. D. They taught them to make fire.
B. They became trade partners in the fur trade.