When did the Ice Age Start?
2.6 Million years ago
when did the Revolutionary War start?
April 19, 1775
What did cavemen hunt back then?
mainly deer, along with some larger animals weighing almost a ton, such as wild cattle and horses
Is a Artifact man made or nature made?
Man made.
Where do you go to find fossils?
Good places to find fossils are outcrops.
When did the Ice Age end?
About 11,000 years ago
When was Queen Elizabeth the 1st born?
7 September 1533
What does pre mean in prehistory.
Since pre means "before," and history is the record of human events. Prehistory refers to the time before human civilization developed and started writing things down.
What type of people study artifacts and find them?
What item do you use when fossil finding?
Miniature Wire Brushes
What did the people during the Ice Age hunt?
mammoths, saber-toothed cats and giant ground sloths ETC.
Why do we study history?
So we can learn about what happened back in History.
Why do we study Prehistory?
Prehistory gives us otherwise inaccessible information about our past before the advent of writing.
What is a Artifact?
Artifacts are objects that are made, used, or modified by humans and give us information about life in the past.
What is a fossil?
Fossils are the geologically altered remains of a once-living organism and/or its behaviour.
How did people back during the Ice Age communicate?
Cave drawings/pictures
Why did the conflict against Japan and America start?
On December 7, 1941, the Japanese military launched a surprise attack on the United States Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
Where was the first ever cave drawings discovered?
Where can artifacts be found?
How long does it take for a fossil to form?
What is the estimate of how many people survived during the Ice Age, according to Scientists?
At the end of the last ice age (last glacial maximum) some 20,000 years ago, the time of the Palaeolithic Age, there were estimated to be around 1 million people, scattered across Europe, Africa, and Asia.
What was the second most dangerous dinosaur to roam planet Earth according to Scientists?
What were mostly on cave drawings according to research?
The most common subjects in cave paintings are large wild animals, such as bison, horses, aurochs, and deer, and tracings of human hands as well as abstract patterns, called finger flutings.
Instead of using bullets, why'd Native Americans use hand crafted arrows?
Arrows had better accuracy and a faster shot. Most of these arrows were found and became artifacts.
What is the oldest fossil?
The oldest known fossils, in fact, are cyanobacteria from Archaean rocks of western Australia, dated 3.5 billion years old.