The Three Fires
The French
After the French
1600, 1700, 1800, or 1900
a person who studies the past
What is a historian
The names of the tribes in the Three Fires
What are Potawatomi, Ojibwa, and Odawa
How life changed for the tribes when they started to trade with the French.
many possible answers including, it made cooking easier, guns made hunting easier, sewing with needles was easier, and more things having to do with daily life.
They way the British and the American Indians got along after the French left.
What is they fought a lot or there was a lot of conflict between them?
The French come to Michigan and start trading furs with the Native American tribes.
What is 1600s?
A story from long ago that is passed down through time
What is a legend
What tribes did to survive when they didn't have good crops or hunting and fishing were not good.
What is trade with other tribes for food?
Why people in France wanted beaver furs.
What is there was a scarcity of beavers in France and they wanted them to make hats?
Some challenges Michigan pioneers faced.
What are there were no roads to follow, they had to clear land to plant crops, they had to build their own houses, they had to get through the long winter, and more?
Michigan became a state.
What is the 1800s?
an area of land that was not a state
What is a territory?
Some ways that the Three Fires adapted to their environment.
Possible answers include: they ate food from the land around them, they built homes from the things around them, they moved their villages with the seasons to get or grow food,they made clothing from the animal skins from their hunting, and more.
The reason the French first came to the Michigan area.
What is to find a water route to China so they could get silk and spices to trade?
How the Erie Canal affected Michigan.
What is more people came to settle in Michigan?
The French and Indian War.
What is the 1700s?
a written plan of government. Michigan needed one of these to become a state
What is a constitution?
What the American Indians used legends for.
What is teaching lessons, explaining things, passing along their history?
The reason Cadillac wanted to build a fort in Detroit.
What is to keep the British from getting into the upper Great Lakes so they could keep control of the fur trade?
Reasons why settlement was slow in Michigan at first.
What are there weren't enough roads, Michigan has many rivers and streams and there were no bridges to get across them, there were lots of trees so people had to clear land to be able to farm?
The United States of America wins freedom from Britain to become a new country.
What is the 1700s?
a human made river
What is a canal?
The reason the tribes were called the Three Fires.
What is they had similar language, homes, and customs?
The event that happened because the British wanted to take over the fur trade.
What is the French and Indian War?
The three things Michigan needed to become a state.
What is a population of 60,000, a constitution, and settling the Toledo Strip problem.
Mrs. Aills was born.
What is the 1900s?