The age of Abraham when Isaac was born
100 years old
The number of sons of Jacob
The reason that Moses fled Egypt
He murdered an Egyptian slave master and thought Pharaoh would kill him
The first plague
Turned the Nile River to blood
Bread was to be made without this
The son of Abraham who he almost sacrificed on an Altar
This person sold their birthright for a bowl of stew
The river that Moses was rescued from as a baby
The head of all of the Egyptian gods
The doors of the houses were to be marked with this
Blood of a perfect lamb
God's promise to Abraham
Make you into great nation - as numerous of the stars in the sky and grains of sand
A servant found this woman at a well to be Issac's wife - the mother of Jacob
The mother and sister of Moses
Jocebed and Miriam
The plague that finally convinced Pharaoh to let the Israelites go
Plague of the firstborn
The Egyptian people gave this to the Israelites as they were leaving Egypt
Silver and gold
The son of Abraham
Issac and Ishmael
Joseph interpreted these two dreams to predict the famine in Egypt
Fat cows/skinny cows and head of grains
3 signs Moses was given at the burning bush to prove he was sent from God
Staff to snake, Leprosy hand, Water to blood
The 9th plague
Darkness - the sun was dark for 3 days
The Israelites were to eat the Passover meal like this
What Abraham told the Egyptians about Sarah while he was living in Egypt because she was so beautiful
"She is my sister"
Joseph was thrown into jail by this person
Potifer's wife
The wife of Moses, daughter of Reuel whom he married in Midian
The plagues and miracles that Pharaoh's magicians could reproduce through their "dark arts"
Staff to snakes, Water to blood, Frogs
The Israelites were to eat bitter herbs during the Passover meal for this reason
To remind them of the suffering of their people in Egypt