Early Humans
Farming and Agriculture
Tools and Technology
Important Terms
Daily Life

What is the very first period of human history called?

Paleolithic Era


How did early farming change the way people lived?

Answer: Early farming allowed people to settle in one place, grow their own food, and build permanent homes.


What were stone tools used for in the Paleolithic Era?

Answer: Stone tools were used for hunting and building.


Define "civilization"

Answer: A civilization is a group of people living together with cities, organized life, and systems of government.


How did having a steady food supply affect early communities?

Answer: It allowed people to settle in one place, build homes, and develop other skills.


Why was discovering fire important for early humans?

Answer: Fire provided warmth, light, and a way to cook food, which made life easier and safer.


Why was fertile soil important for farming?

Answer: Fertile soil helped crops grow better, which made it easier to have a stable food supply.


Why was flint important for early humans?

Answer: Flint was used to make tools and create fire.


Define "megafauna"

Large animals that lived during the Ice Age, such as mammoths and saber-toothed cats.


What does "specialization" mean in early societies?

Answer: Specialization means focusing on one type of job or task, like farming or crafting.


What is the Paleolithic Era known for?

Answer: The Paleolithic Era is known for the use of simple stone tools and hunting and gathering for food.


What does "systematic agriculture" mean?

Answer: Systematic agriculture means growing food on a regular schedule, which helped create stable farming communities.


How did early humans use stone tools to improve their lives?

Answer: Stone tools made tasks such as cutting meat and building shelters easier and more effective.


What is the difference between a primary source and a secondary source?

Answer: A primary source is an original item from the past (like a diary), while a secondary source summarizes or interprets primary sources (like a textbook).


Why was irrigation important for early farmers?

Answer: Irrigation helped control water for crops, ensuring they had enough to grow.


What does "migration" mean in the context of early human history?

Answer: Migration is when people move from place to place to find food or better living conditions.


How did having a steady food supply affect early human communities?

Answer: It allowed people to focus on other activities, such as making tools, building homes, and developing new skills.


What role did technology play in early farming?

Answer: Technology such as irrigation and plows helped increase crop yields and make farming more efficient.


How does specialization benefit a community?

Answer: Specialization allows people to become experts in one area, improving efficiency and creating a diverse economy.


What changes happened in daily life as a result of farming?

Answer: Daily life became more stable, with people settling in one place, creating permanent homes, and developing new skills and trades.


What marked the beginning of the Neolithic Age?

The start of the Neolithic Age was marked by the development of agriculture and farming.


Where were the earliest farming villages usually located and why?

Answer: They were often located in river valleys where the soil was fertile and water was available.


What is "domestication"?

Answer: Domestication is training animals to help humans, like for farming or transportation.


What is "systematic agriculture" and why is it important?

Answer: Systematic agriculture is the organized way of growing food on a regular schedule, crucial for stable food supply.


How did early humans in the Paleolithic Era adapt to their environment for survival?

Answer: Early humans adapted by using tools, creating shelters, and finding ways to get food and water.