Gaul is this modern-day country.
What is France?
This King of the Franks conquered Gaul and established the Merovingian Dynasty.
Who is Clovis?
This prevented a person from receiving sacraments.
What is excommunication?
The person to whom a lord would give his land is known as this.
What is a vassal?
Pope Gregory sent this saint to convert the people living in England to Christianity.
Who is St. Augustine?
The lands in Italy controlled by the Pope.
What are the Papal States?
Charles "the Hammer" Martel stopped the advance of the Muslims at this battle.
What is the Battle of Tours?
Medieval Churches and Cathedrals were built in this style of architecture.
What is Gothic?
Invasions by these groups led to the development of feudalism.
What are Magyars, Vikings, or Muslims?
She was the queen of both England and France.
Who is Eleanor of Aquitaine?
The Angles and the Saxons left Germany and settled here.
What is Britain?
Who is Pepin the Short?
Due to church restrictions, this group of people oftentimes became money-lenders.
What are Jews?
A peasant who is bound to a fief to work the land, cannot own land, and cannot leave the land without their lord's permission, was known as this.
What is a serf?
This saint established a set of rules for monks, including the 3 vows they must take.
Who is St. Benedict?
This is the capital of Charlemagne's Frankish Empire.
What is Aachen?
In addition to being the King of the Franks, Charlemagne was given this title by Pope Leo III.
What is Emperor of the Romans?
This was a 10% tax on person's income to be given to the church.
What is a tithe?
The agreement between a lord and vassal was known as this.
What is the feudal contract?
This pope outlawed marriage for priests, outlawed simony, and removed secular influence on the church.
Who is Pope Gregory VII?
These are the 5 Holy Sees.
What are Rome, Constantinople, Antioch, Alexandria, and Jerusalem?
This treaty divided Charlemagne's Empire between his 3 grandsons.
What is the Treaty of Verdun?
The idea that the pope is the leader of the church and can trace their succession back to Saint Peter is known as this.
What is papal supremacy?
This farming method led to further agricultural development and allowing the population of Europe to triple from 1000 to 1300.
This abbot of Cluny made many reforms in monasticism in response to the growing depravity of the clergy.
Who is Berno?