Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

What jobs did Ieyasu give the Samurais?

They were appointed to be tax collectors, bookkeepers, and policemen. He also ordered them to spend their time learning literature, art, music and poetry


What did the Puritans or Separatists desire?

The Separatists were Puritans who did not think the Anglican Church would ever change


What cash crop did Virginia produce and what was the result?

Not gold, but tobacco. In order to raise enough tobacco, the settlers began to buy slaves in 1619. By 1719, almost half of the colonists in Virginia were slaves


How many continents did Europe have power in?



Who did they throw out of a window? And why?

Two Catholic officials - specifically for Ferdinand II


What does “shogun” mean?

Military ruler of Japan


Why did the Separatists leave England?

Separatists had to pay high taxes, could not meet in church buildings, and could be imprisoned at any time; they desired freedom to worship


Tell me about slavery in North America. Was it original to this region?

The first slaves taken from Africa were prisoners of war from wars within Africa. Later, when the prisoners were not enough, Europeans went and captures slaves


What does Mongol Khans mean? What does shah mean?

Warrior Chiefs


What does defenestration mean?

Defenestration is a fancy way of saying, “throwing someone out of a window”


What is a Korean tortoise boat? What is the benefit?

The boats were covered in iron plates, so they looked like turtle shells. Instead of firing guns, they rammed the Japanese supply ships with shark iron spikes


How did the Separatists come to be called Pilgrims?

These Separatists, along with some other settlers sailed to the New World on the Mayflower (1620)


Retell the story of Queen Nzinga of Angola

Queen Nzinga of Ndomba fought against the Portuguese invaders. In her lifetime she successfully resisted them, but after her death, the Portuguese took over her country. Called ngola, or “war chief”, by her people, the Portuguese gave the name “Angola” to her land


How many empires have ruled in the Middle East?



What was the cause of the Thirty Years’ War?

Ferdinand II, a devout Catholic, wanted to eliminate Protestant worship from all the German kingdoms. The Protestants protested the law. These Protestants threw Ferdinand’s officials out of a window in what is known as the Defenestration of Prague. This kick started the fighting between several Catholic or Protestant nations, which lasted for 30 years


8th grade question: 

The Western Army pledged loyalty to Hideyori and the Eastern Army pledged loyalty to Ieyasu. What happened when they went to battle? And who won?

The two sides fought for almost a year. Over time, Hideyoshi lost hope and killed himself, which was seen as a greater honor than surrendering. Ieyasu was declared the winner of the battle.


Why did the Dutch come to the New World?

To trade with the Indians; then sent settlers for a trading base


Abba I was known as the “greatest Safavid shah”. What was his first step when he came to the throne?

His first step was to make peace with another Turkish kingdom, The Ottomans.


8th grade questions:

Why did the German Protestant  want to stop fighting?

Gustavus was killed in battle and without his leadership the Protestant Union began to fall apart. The Swedish soldiers became disorganized. One by one, the German Protestants began to approach Ferdinand, willing to discuss peace. The war had been dragging on for 16 years, and they were ready to stop fighting


8th grade question:

What is the Mayflower Compact? 

An agreed upon set of laws to run the new colony


What did the Ottoman Turks accomplish?

The Ottoman Turks captured most of Arabia, and then crossed the Bosporus Strait. They invaded European land. The Ottoman Empire, after it expanded so much, gradually disintegrated, through corruption and overspending. The cruel ruler Murad stopped the decline in his five years of rule


8th grade questions:

What was the Peace of Westphalia?

The first modern treaty that allowed princes to decide what religion they wanted for their region