Long Long Ago
Vocab Schmocab
New Ways of Life
Building Mounds
Well, That Was Random
What is the name we give to the group of earliest people that crossed into what is now North America and "Indiana"
Paleo Indians
Name the word described here: "Our ancestors hunted large animals for our clan's survival. There was a major world event and finally they could no longer find mammoths or other large animals. The animals had disappeared."
The earliest people had lost their food sources. In order to survive, they had to _________________.
What were these mounds constructed of?
dirt, stone, shells, ashes
How did Angel Mounds get its name?
The family whose farm the mounds were discovered on, gave the land back to the state for a historic site. Their last name was Angel.
How did early people make their way into what is now North America?
They crossed a land bridge from what is now Russia into what is now Alaska.
I have spear heads; you need spear heads. You give me a bushel of corn for 100 spear heads. What was just described here?
Name two ways these people adapted in order to survive.
They began to hunt smaller animals and gathered edible plants. Later, they settled and began to farm.
Where can we find Indiana's Angel Mounds?
Near the city of Evansville on the Ohio River.
Which mound supposedly shows the tribe's belief about the creation of the world?
The Hopewell's Serpent Mound in Ohio.
Why were they travelling into new lands?
To hunt mammoths, sabre tooth tigers and mastadons. They were nomads.
We are grateful for our successful hunt. The chief of our village has called us together for a celebration. He is leading us to a special place in our village where his home stands. We can all see him from the earth-packed hill.
About how long ago did the Archaic people begin to plant and cultivate crops?
about 3,000 yrs ago
What are the most common shapes of Mississipian mounds?
conical, dome, flat topped, and shaped
How do we know Archaic Indians ate freshwater mussels?
Archaeologists have found buried piles of empty shells.
How do scientists and historians study the earliest people?
They studied the fossils of the things left behind
My mother was born in the United States, but not my grandparents. They came from Germany. So did my great-grandparents and my great-great grandparents. What do I call these members of my family?
How did the Archaic people obtain copper, gold and sea shells from which they could make tools, weapons, etc?
They traveled and traded.
Which two Mound Builder groups were most known to live in what we now call "Indiana?"
The Adena and the Hopewell
About how long ago do we believe the Paleo people crossed into what is now Alaska? How long ago was it when they reached what we call Indiana?
They first crossed over about 15,000 years ago. About 12,000 years ago, the Paleo people entered into what is now "Indiana."
Which modern people do scientists believe the earliest people of North America were ancestors to.
The Mongolians (China) and Siberians (Russia) and current Native Americans.
The earliest people were ________________ and did not have _____________ homes where they could stay for a long time.
nomads, permanent
What do we call this group that adapted from the Paleo group and how did they get that name?
They are called Archaic Indians. They are called that because archaeologists study their actual artifacts to learn about them.
Name three purposes of the mounds.
Some were burial sites; sites for ceremonies and social gatherings; sites for important village buildings; trading centers.
What event forced the earliest people to adapt in order to survive in what we call North America?
The end of the Ice Age; a climate change from Ice Age to Temperate climate.