Washington was this number president.
What is the first president?
Adams was this number president
What is the second president?
Jefferson was this number president
What is the third president?
Madison was this number president
What is the fourth president?
Monroe was this number president.
What is the fifth president?
Great Britain and this country went to war during Washington's presidency.
What is France?
This is the term used to refer to the British navy kidnapping American sailors and forcing them to join the British Navy.
What is impressment?
U.S. ships were being attacked by pirates off of the Northern Coast of this continent
What is Africa?
This war occurred during Madison's presidency.
What is the War of 1812?
What is the Monroe Doctrine?
This is what Washington chose to do when the U.S. was asked to join the war.
What is stay neutral? (Neutrality, not choose a side, not join in the war)
When the U.S. tried to talk peace with France, this event occurred instead.
What is the XYZ Affair?
This was Jefferson's response to attacks on U.S. ships in the Mediterranean
What is go to war? What is set up a blockade? (Send U.S. ships to protect shipping)
This man became a war hero and popular in the U.S. after the Battle of New Orleans.
Who is Andrew Jackson?
This is the main message to Europe given by the Monroe Doctrine.
What is 'stay out of the Americas'?
Washington falls here on the spectrum from isolationism to total involvement
What is isolationism?
This was the response of Adams after France refused to talk peace without a bribe.
What is a half-war on the sea?
This was passed by Jefferson to try and get the British and French to stop attacking U.S. ships by hurting their 'wallets'
What is the Embargo Act?
This battle inspired Francis Scott Key to write the Star-Spangled Banner, which later became our national anthem.
What is the Battle of Fort McHenry?
This country lost all of their colonies in Central and South America in the early 1800's.
What is Spain?
This was the rebellion that occurred during Washington's presidency that tested the strength of the Constitution.
What is the Whiskey Rebellion?
This was the law put in place by Adams that restricted negative speech/press about the government and increased requirements for citizenship
What are the Alien and Sedition Acts?
This country ended up getting hurt the most by the Embargo Act.
What is the United States?
This is the treaty that ended the War of 1812
Monroe falls here on the spectrum between isolationism and total involvement
What is isolationism?