Recovery Strategies
How to be successful in the program
Making Changes in your life
Types of Relapse
Relapse Prevention

Give me three helpful ways to keep yourself busy in a healthy positive way.

Answers may vary

Exercise, meetings, IOP, spending time with family/sober friends, gainful employment, ETC


IOP and MICD stand for 

What is Intensive outpatient and Mental Illness and Chemical Dependency?  This is an old term to describe Dual Diagnsosis

Name some "new year" changes people make.
lose weight, quit smoking, workout more, etc.
Most urges usually last less than ___ to __ minutes.
A process that begins when you start slipping back into old behavior patterns.

You don't recovery from addiction by stopping using, you recovery by creating a ____ ______ where it is easier not to use.

new life, 


To make this kind of program a successful extension of your addiction treatment, it’s important to:

-Partner with your counselor in your recovery efforts on an evolving aftercare plan. 

-Maintain a progressive attitude about the outpatient process

-Be commited or ask for support in this area

-Trust the process. 

Studies continually reinforce the effectiveness of IOPs for treatment and relapse prevention. The more you’re involved in the program, the more you’ll get out of it, for as long as you need it. You’ll also develop a connection to resources that will be valuable for a lifetime.

Once you've practiced your new behavior for six months, you have reached what stage?
Give 3 signs of emotional relapse.
Anxiety, Anger, Isolation, etc.

Spending too much time in the emotional relapse stage can lead to a full relapse. The best thing to do at this time to prevent relapse is

What is Maintain self care? 

__________ is not an optional part of recovery. It is essential to recovery.

At least 2 Reasons why drug testing during treatment is important:

  • The presence of drugs in a patient’s system can affect clinical treatment decisions.
  • A relapse suggests that a different plan or treatment program is required.
  • It prevents the patient from being given a medication that might cause a dangerous interaction with the substance they are taking.
  • Testing during treatment is exceptionally important for women who are pregnant.
  • Lapses to drug use can occur during treatment. The objective monitoring of a patient’s drug and alcohol use during treatment, such as through urinalysis or other tests, can help the patient withstand urges to use drugs. Such monitoring also can  provide early evidence of drug use so that the individual’s treatment plan can be adjusted. Feedback to patients who test positive for illicit drug use is an important element of monitoring

Your best friend tells you that they think that you may have a drinking problem. You only drink 5 days a week but haven't look at this as a possibility. What stage would this be?
Glamorizing your past use is an example of what kind of relapse?
How can nutrition help prevent relapse?
What you eat can affect how well you cope with pressure. Good healthy food will help with cravings and stress management and promote positive well-being.

What three categories do high-risk situations usually fall under?

People, places, or things

What does H.O.W mean and how does it relate to recovery?
Honest Open and Willing Be honest and open about your life including your past usage. Be willing to acknowledge and change the attitudes and behaviors that need to be changed and may be causing issues in your life.
Why is making changes to your life and behavior an essential and important part of your recovery?
answers may vary

What are the 3 stages of relapse?

Emotional, Mental, and Physical


You should have at least 3 ways to handle ____-_____ situations.

****Bonus points if you can give at least three coping strategies****. 

high- risk

DEADS- Distract, Escape,  Accept,  Delay, Substitute

What does HALT mean?
Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired

The National Institute on Drug Abuse reinforces that effective treatment is personalized, consistent, and addresses an individual’s multiple needs—especially those not related to drug or alcohol addiction.
In an outpatient program, a person learns to avoid relapse by:

  • Evolving through quality therapeutic care.
  • Managing co-occurring conditions more effectively.
  • Attending support groups, such as 12-Step programs.
  • Forming strong bonds and friendships with people in recovery and rebuilding valuable family and friend relationships.
  • Developing better ways to identify and handle toxic emotions, compulsive behaviors, and potential triggers.
  • Integrating into the community through volunteer service and employment connections.
According to the transtheoretical model of behavior change, change occurs in what 5 stages?
Precontemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action and Maintenance

The signs of emotional relapse are also the symptoms of ___ -_____ withdrawal. 

  • Insomnia or other sleep disturbances
  • Irritability, aggression, hostility
  • Anxiety or panic attacks
  • Depression
  • Impaired concentration
  • Lack of enthusiasm or motivation
  • Mood-swings (severe highs and lows in mood)
  • Fatigue or low energy
  • Foggy thought process
  • Poor memory
  • Poor impulse control
  • Increased sensitivity to stress
  • Alcohol or other drug cravings
  • Alcohol or other drug dreams
  • Apathy

What is post-acute (PAWS)?


You begin to isolate yourself form others and feel bored and lonely much of the time. This is a _____ _____.

Warning sign