Washington faced many problems as the first President, but what was the main one?
What is national debt
What is the term for taking American sailors and forcing them to join the British Navy?
This man would be the main Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
Who is John Marshall
The president would have the power to kick out or place in jail if they felt a certain group of people were 'dangerous'.
This means 2 houses
What is the XYZ Affair
What is the Battle of Tippecanoe?
This court case would establish Judicial Review.
What is Marbury v. Madison
Who is Francis Scott Key
Make sure laws are legal and interprets laws
Jefferson would send Lewis and Clark to explore this new region that he 'purchased' from the French. What is this region called?
What is the Louisiana Purchase
What territory would we attack first during the War of 1812?
What is Canada
Maryland would try to tax a national bank, but the federal government has supremacy over states. What is this court case?
What is McCulloch v. Maryland
This act would violate the 1st amendment when Adams was president.
What is the Sedition Act
Enforces the laws and has the power to veto.
What is the Executive Branch
The political group called the War Hawks would call for war against the British when this James was president.
Who is Madison
In retaliation the British burned down this city.
What is Washington DC
What court case established the federal government has power to regulate commerce?
What is Gibbons v. Ogden
When Washington left office he left a letter with advice for the American people to stay out of permanent alliances and not form political parties.
What is Washington's Farewell Address
This in place to ensure one branch doesn't get too powerful.
What are Checks and Balances
What is the Monroe Doctrine
This Treaty would end the War of 1812
What is the Treaty of Ghent
This term means that the Supreme court can overturn laws.
What is Judicial Review
When Hamilton placed a tax on this luxury drink farmers would rebel because they couldn't pay the tax.
What is the Whiskey Rebellion
This plan was based for equal representation and not based on population.
What is the New Jersey Plan