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The Supreme Court verdict in this case ordered the integration of publc schools. 

Brown v. Board of Education


Jefferson's embargo act of 1807, was his attempt to maintain neutrality in the wars between these two nations.

What is France and the United Kingdom


In this territory preparations for a vote on the issue of slavery attracted abolitionists and proslavery activists who violently clashed with each other. Violence of this conflict foreshadowed the Civil War

What is Kansas


This document created a weak central government leaving most of the power with individual states. It was replaced by the United States Constitution

What are the Articles of Confederation


This amendment tho the U.S. Constitution, also known as the Prohibition Amendment ,outlawed production, sale, and transport of alcohol, and led to rise of organized crime in America.

What is the 18th Amendment


Franklyn Delano Roosevelt's programs to reform American economy, provide assistance to those in need, and create job oportunities by funding construction projects nation wide are collectively known as this

What is the "New Deal"


Government approach of not interfearing in the economy and creating as little regilation as possible.

What is Laissez-Faire


Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy that tried to achieve American goals through the threat of using U.S. military force. 

What is the "Big Stick" policy


He was the most visible leading figure in the civil rights movement who used unviolent tactics to protest against the Jim Crow system. He was assassinated in 1968

Who was Martin Luthr King Jr.


This policy announced that the United States will continue the avoid involvement in European affairs, but expected the European Nations not to intervene in the Western Hemisphere / the Americas.

What was the Moroe Doctrine


This president was a hero of the War of 1812; used the power of veto to kill the Bank of U.S.;  created the spoils system; and forced native americans to move West of the Mississippi river.

Who was Andrew Jackson


One of the reasons the Antifederalists opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution, was that it did not include protections of individual liberties. This was added to the U.S. Constitution to address Antifederalist fears.

What is the Bill of Rights


In the early 1900's, this reform movement believed in improving people's lives through government regulation of business, destruction of monopolies, and empowerment of regular voters.

What was the Progressive Movement


This president decide to bomb Hiroshima & Nagassaki in order todefeat Japan with as little American lives lost as possible. He also ordered the integration of the U.S. military, and presided over the creation of the containment policy.

Who is Harry Truman


During the late 1800's, the United States was rapidly industrializing. Because of the need for low wage workers, the government followed an open immigration policy. But one group was excluded by this law.

What is the Chinese Exclusion Act


Cultural movement that led to wide recognition and appreciation of African-American achievement in the arts. Included Langston Hughs, Duke Ellington, and Bessy Smith.

What is Harlem Renaissance


This supreme court case was brough to challenge the Jim Crow law that segregated train cars in Louisiana. The plaintif lost and the principle of "separate but equal" was created.

What is Plessy v. Ferguson


He created the fist cabinet, retired after serving eight years in office, and in his fairwell address warned the United States against forming alliances other nations.

Who was George Washington


This 1848 meeting of women's rights activists launched the national women's rights movement, and produced the Declaration of Sentiments demanding female suffrage [right to vote]

What is the Seneca Falls Convention


Author of the Common Sense who argued that American Colonies should be independant from Britain

Who is Thomas Paine


This law attepted to incentivise people to move West by giving them 160 acre of free land there.

What was the Homestead Act


This event marked the beginning of the Great Depressin, the worst economic decline in American history.

What is the Stock Market Crash of 1929


The first two of these in the United States were formed as a result of constant arguments between two members of George Washington's cabinet, Hamilton and Jefferson.

What are political parties


As a result of the Spanish-American war, the U.S. took control of several Spanish colonies, and became a world power. The practice of the powerful nations such as U.S. controling weaker countries or regions is referred to as this

What is Imperialism


The verdict in this Supreme Court case upheld the constitusionality of forcing Japanese-Americans into internment camps during WWII in the name of national security

What is Korematsu v. U.S.


Idea that the United States must expand westward, until it controls the entire span of North America, from Atlantic to Paciffic.

What is Manifest Destiny


1860 election of Abraham Lincoln, who ran arguing that the spread of slavery to the western territories must be stopped, led to these states seceding from the Union and forming a nation of their own.

What are the Confederate states


This group of people supported the ratificatiion of the U.S. Constitution because they belived that the country needs a stronger central government.

Who were the Federalists


The type of jeournalism that uses sensational headlines, and relies on exaggerations or outright lies. In 1898, this type of Jeournalism led U.S. into war with Spain.

What is Yellow Journalism


U.S. law that sent American weapons and other assistance to the United Kingdom and U.S.S.R. during WWII

What is the Len Lease Act


Large companies that have manged to destroy all competition using unfair business practices. The most commonly used example of such a company was the Standard Oil trust controlled by John D. Rockefeller.

What is a Monopoly


During WWI and the 1920, many African Americans moved from the South to the large cities in the Northeast and Midwest. They wanted to escape Jim Crow and were attracted by factory job opportunities. 

What is the Great Migration


The principle that states that powers not delegated (given) to the federal government are given to the states and the people. 



Buying this territory doubled size of the United Sates and gave us full control of trade alog the Mississippi river, including the port of New Orleans.

What is the Lousiana Territory


People such as Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, John Brown, and William Lloid Garison opposed slavery in the mid 1800's and were referred to as this

Who were the Abolitionists


Written by Thomas Jefferson, this document announced the creation of the United States and justified American rebellion against the British using the Enlightenment ideas.

What is the Declaration of Independence


During the 1920's, the U.S. Government passed the Quota Acts which limited immigration from the Southern and Easten Europe. These laws were motivated by rising anti-imigant attitude also called this.

What is Nativism


During the Great Depression, poor farming techniques and drought led to this in the Great Plains

What is the Dust Bowl


The effort to transform the Southern states following the Civil War by passing the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution, creating the Freedman's Bureau, and maintaining a strong military presence in the region.

What was Reconstruction / Radical Republican Reconstruction


People who exposed problems in society and economy to create public outrage and force government action during the progressive era. Examples include Jacob Riis, Upton Sinclair, Thomas Nast.

Who were the Muckrakers