This guy started a rebellion because he was not happy with the governor
The two major religions that moved into the New England Colonies
Pilgrims and Puritans
These people first settled what we now call New York
The state where Jamestown can be found
France and England fought for what we call Canada and Ohio River Valley in this War
French and Indian War
This is what European settlers brought to the natives, other than livestock
Sickness, disease, alcohol
On November 21, 1620 this was signed by 41 men as a legal contract
Mayflower Compact
This country wanted New Amsterdam so that his country could control the entire Atlantic coast
He made friends with the Powhatan tribe
John Smith
General that helped the British that later became a president
George Washington
This is how Georgia was founded with a group of these poor souls
Debtors jailed in England
The difference between those that settled in Virginia and those that settled in the New England colonies
Women, children and families in New England
Only men in Virginia
These people were persecuted in England as well as the Americas, so William asked for a colony west of New Jersey
John Rolfe married this native princess to form a peaceful relation with colonists and native. Also Disney says the Color of the Wind
A religious movement that swept through the colonies in the 1730's and 1740's
Great Awakening
Many colonists didn't want to get their hands dirty and it led to this
Slavery or indentured servants
These people were not allowed to be church leaders
What were two of the staple crops from the Middle Colonies (Not Tobacco) sometimes found in breads and cereals
Wheat, barley and oats
A royal colony existed under the authority of this representative hand picked by the king
The gentleman that thought that people had natural rights such as equality and liberty
John Locke
John Smith layed down the law to colonists and told them this
No Work No Food
Two of the main economic industries in the New England Colonies
Fishing, shipbuilding, fur trade
He was the director of the New Netherland colony
Peter Stuyvesant (Sty-vuh-suhnt)
He asked for a charter for Catholics to start a colony, he was a childhood friend of the king which granted him a charter
Lord Baltimore
This treaty officially ended the French and Indian War, which gave Canada to Britain, all lands east of the Mississippi River, as well as Florida from Spain
Treaty of Paris