What language do people who are deaf use?
What is Sign Language
How do vocal chords create voice?
What are vibrations?
Which part of the ear sends the signal to the brain?
What is the auditory nerve?
What part(s) of the body are used to hear?
What are the ears and brain?
What is the part of the ear that is filled with fluid and has tiny hairs to sense vibration?
What is the cochlea?
What does the human ear receive sound waves as?
What are vibrations
Waves move ---- from one place to another.
What is energy?
Which part of the ear vibrates when the waves strike it?
What is the ear drum?
What happens first when the sound waves are reflected down the ear canal?
What is the ear drum vibrates?
Starting from your ear drum, what is the order of the 3 bones in the ear?
What are the malleus, incus, stapes?
What happens when a musician adds thicker strings to a violin?
What changes the vibrations made by the violin?
What do vibrating materials generate?
What are waves?
Which part of the ear is shaped like a snail?
What is the cochlea?
Which part of the ear collect the sound waves?
What is the pinna?
What is the structure that turns sounds into signals that the brain can recognize (neural impulses)
What is the Organ of Corti?
What does someone playing a violin, someone banging on a drum, and someone dipping a paintbrush in the water have in common?
Why do they all cause vibrations?
Which medium do sound waves travel fastest through?
Which part of the ear strikes the anvil?
What is the hammer
Which part of the ear is a tube that reflects sound waves to the ear drum?
What is the ear canal?
Which of the following parts of the ear is shaped to help capture sound waves in the air?
What is the outer ear?
Why does sound travel slowest through the air?
What is the increased distance between air particles?
What is the stapes/stirrup?
Which part of the ear helps keep you balanced?
What are semi-circular canals?
What is NOT a part of the External Ear?Options: Auricle, Tympanic Membrane, Incus
What is the Incus?
What are microscopic hair-like projections that open chemical channels to begin electrical signals called?
What are stereocilia?