Rotation and Revolution
Properties and Conditions of the Solar System
Space Instruments

What is a solar eclipse?

When the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun.


What is gravity?

Gravity: Fundamental force in physics that describe the attraction between objects with mass.


What is a comet?

A ball of frozen gases, rock, and dust that orbit the Sun.


What is a Hubble space telescope?

Hubble Space Telescope: A large, space-based observatory that has changed our understanding of the cosmos.


How does the Earth rotate?

Spins on its axis counterclockwise


What is a tide?

Tide: Rise and fall of ocean levels caused by the gravitational force of the moon and sun.


What is the difference between a comet and Meteor?

Comets are small icy dirtballs and a meteor is a space rock.


What are 2 advancements in space probes or instruments?

  • Telescopes can take pictures and send data with strong lens

  • Robotics Explore Space

  • Communication has gotten stronger

  • Space crafts can land on comets

  • Probes have went through a series of advancements

  • Mars rover can study rocks on surface

  • 42 missions on ISS


What's the difference between waning and waxing?

Waning: A moon that is getting smaller, and is in the phase between a full moon and a new moon.

Waxing:  The moon is getting bigger and receives more sunlight each day.


What are the 2 important factors of gravitational pull?

  • The mass of an object.

  • The distance of an object.


What planet is considered a dwarf planet?



How far above space is the space station located?

250 miles above Earth


What are 3 differences of rotation and revolution?


  • Turning on its axis

  • Takes 24 hours to complete a rotation with respect to the Sun.

  • Tilted by  23.5 degrees (seasons)


What is Newton's law of gravity?

The force of gravity acting between the earth and any other object is directly proportional to the mass of the earth, directly proportional to the mass of the object, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance which separates the centers of the earth and the object.


What are the inner and outer planets?

Inner: Mercury, Venus,  Mars

Outer: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune


When was the first space probe sent into space?

 Humans have been sending space probes into space since the 1950s.


Name the 8 phases of the moon.

new moon

waxing crescent

first quarter

waxing gibbous

full moon

waning gibbous

last quarter

waning crescent


What three discoveries determined Newton's Law?

Kepler's three laws 

Law of orbit

Law of Areas

Law of Periods


(IAU)To be considered a planet it has to be...

an object in the solar system has to orbit the Sun, be a sphere, and have a clear orbital path around the sun to be considered a planet.


What created the first space station?

The first rudimentary station was created in 1969 by the linking of two Russian Soyuz vehicles in space.