Imaginary line through the center of the Earth
What is the axis?
When one object goes around another.
What is revolving?
Light travels in a straight line and gets blocked by an object.
What causes a shadow to form?
This causes the seasons on Earth.
What is Earths tilt and revolution around the sun?
This shape describes the Earth's orbital path.
What is an oval?
Earth completes one full rotation. This period is called a day.
What is 24 hours?
Another word for revolve.
What is orbit?
This causes your shadow to "move" throughout the day.
What is Earths rotation?
During this season the Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun?
What is Winter?
This many planets have seasons.
What is all of them?
The direction that Earth spins
What is counter clockwise?
It takes this many days for the Earth to revolve around the sun.
What is 365?
Shadows are very _________ during the beginning/end of the day and very _________ in the middle of the day.
What is long and short?
This separates the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
This causes the moon to shine.
What is the sun?
The Earth rotates from ________ to _________.
What is from West to East?
During this month Earth is closest to the Sun.
What is January?
Season where the shadow is the shortest is ________ and the season where its the longest is __________.
What is winter and summer?
When it is summer in the Northern hemisphere it is _________ in the southern hemisphere.
What is winter?
The moon _______ the suns light.
What is reflect?
The Sun appears to move in the sky from ________ to ________.
Earths orbit causes this to happen as the distance between the Earth and the Sun changes slightly during the year.
What are the seasons?
This happens when you have no shadow.
What is no light source?
Seasons described as, neither hemisphere is tiled strongly towards or away from the sun, leading to more equal day and night lengths.
What is Spring and Fall?
This "makes up" for a day not being exactly 24 hours.
What is a leap year?