Earth's Geography
Earth's History
Earth's Chemistry
Earth As A Part Of Space
Earth's Fun Facts

This is the largest tropical rainforest on Earth.

What is The Amazon Rainforest? 


Earth comes from Old-English meaning this.

What is "ground" or "soil"?


Oxygen is not the primary gas of atmosphere. This gas makes up 77% of our atmosphere.

What is nitrogen?


The speed at which Earth travels through space per hour.

What is 66,000 miles per hour?


An odor has to be added to this in order for humans to be able to smell it.

What is Natural Gas?


The largest, hottest desert covers 1/3 of the continent of Africa.

What is the Sahara Desert?


The number of people on Earth.

What is more than 7 billion?


The percentage of Earth's surface that is volcanic.

What is 80%?


The distance of the Earth to the Sun.

What is 93 million miles?


This is the time it took a human, walking 12 hrs./day, to walk around the whole Earth.

What is 11 years?


Falling from 3212 feet, the highest water falls on Earth.

What is Angel Falls?


Earth once contained one large continent before it split into the 7 smaller continents. This was the name of the continent.

What is Pangaea?


These are the 4 things Earth can do, which allows it to be seen as a living, breathing organism.

What are regulating temperature, burning energy, renewing its skin, and experiencing changes to its face as it ages with time?


Earth's moon is the brightest object in the sky after the sun. Give its 3 names.

What are Luna, Selene, and Artemis?


This is what helped ensure that Earth would have an atmosphere and oceans.

What is heat from the Earth's core and magma?


This is the saltiest ocean of Earth's major oceans.

What is the Atlantic Ocean?


Native Americans once believed that the earth was supported by this animal.

What is a Giant Tortoise?


These are what the Earth's surface are split into, which float on a rocky mantle.

What are tectonic plates?


The time it takes Pluto to make one orbit around the Sun.

What is 249 years?


This was Earth's twin planet that collided with Earth and was absorbed.

What is Theia?


This is the largest living structure in the world.

What is The Great Barrier Reef?


The beginning of this event is what began impacting Earth's environment by people.

What is the Industrial Revolution?


This is how much energy radiates to the surface of the Earth from its interior each year.

What is one hundred billion billion calories?


If Earth did not have this, people would not be able to live on it.

What is Gravitational Pull?


If your arm were to represent Earth's Timeline, this is how much you would have to remove to completely erase all human history on Earth.

What is one pass of a fingernail file over the tip of your fingernail?