Earth Day 1
Endangered Species
Planet Earth
Earth Day 2
Earth Day 3

Earth Day

What is April 22


Two color bear from Asia

What is the Panda


Earth is the ____ planet from the sun



Wasting less food is a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. True or False. 

True. Food waste is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. That’s because food that’s thrown away decomposes in landfills and emits methane, a particularly potent greenhouse gas 


True or False. We can save the bees by not using chemicals and fertilizers on our yards?

True! Synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides, are harmful to bees, wreaking havoc on their sensitive systems. Use organic products and natural solutions such compost to aid soil health and adding beneficial insects that keep pests away like ladybugs and praying mantises. 


The process of reusing something or turning it into something else, instead of throwing it into the trash.

What is Recycle


Animal that can learn sign language

What is a gorilla


Closet start to the Earth

What is the Sun


Single use (use once and throw away) plastic items

What are Water bottles, Keurig Cups, Plastic Bags, plastic beads in facial scrubs.


True or False.  Around 120 life saving prescriptions come from plants found in the Amazon rain forest?

True. Rainforest Plants Produce Life-Saving Medicines Some 120 prescription drugs sold worldwide today are derived directly from rainforest plants. 


Years it takes to break down a plastic bag

What is 10-20 years


Only mammal with scalps

What is the Pangolin


Time the Earth takes to orbit the sun

What is 365 days or 1 year


Years lettuce takes to decompose in landfill

What is 25 years

True or False.  Most of the Oxygen comes from the Ocean?

True. Scientists estimate that 50-80% of the oxygen production on Earth comes from the ocean. The majority of this production is from oceanic plankton — drifting plants, algae, and some bacteria that can photosynthesize. 20% of the oxygen comes from the Amazon Rain Forests.


One thing you can do to protect the planet

What is recycling, reducing water consumption, composting, turning off the lights...


Animal with black skin and white fur

What is the Polar Bear


Percentage of Earth is water

What is 70%


Percentage of Earth covered by forest

What is 30%


What uses the most electricity in a home? 1. Heat and air conditioning, 2. TV, or 3. Radio

Heat and air conditioning


Years it take a babdiaper to biodegrade

What is 500 years


Years the oldest species of whale can live up.

What is 200 years


Invisible line around the Earth that divides the Northern Hemisphere from the Southern Hemisphere

What is the Equator


Trees to provide a day's supply of oxygen for 4 people

What is 1


True or false. 90% of crops require bees for pollination so we can have food to eat? 

True! Seventy out of the top 100 human food crops — which supply about 90 percent of the world’s nutrition — are pollinated by bees.