List the three types of rocks
Igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic
Trace (e.g. footprints), caste (a filled in space with sediments that has left a caste), and mold (an imprint)
Either that the earth changes slowly over time based on the same processes across time or is shaped by sudden catastrophic events
What are the pieces of evidence for Earth History we've seen?
Rocks, fossils, and evolution (2 out of 3 is fine)
Define Geological Time Scale
What is a system that divides Earth's history into intervals of time defined by major events or changes of the Earth
Radiometric dating
Where are fossils found?
Sedimentary rock
What is paleontology?
Study of past life such as dinosaurs
Because they are made of small sediments from other rocks so the whole layer won't be properly dated
List the order of subdivisions of the GST
Eon > Era > Period > Epoch
Name and define the two laws that help with relative dating of rocks?
Superposition (older layers on the bottom) and cross-cutting (what is doing the cutting is younger)
How do fossils give evidence for the theory of evolution?
They show how organisms have changed over time
Compare and contrast absolute and relative age
One is like the birthday of something and the other is the age as it relates to something (older or younger than)
Explain the relationship between dating rocks and fossils?
We can date the relative age of sedimentary rock layers and the absolute age of igneous rocks. Fossils found in the sedimentary rock can be dated. We can also use radiometric dating in certain fossils.
Explain the chemical properties of certain rock particles that allow scientists to date rocks' absolute age?
Certain isotopes are radioactive and experience radioactive decay. We can date the half-life of the decay of radioactive material
What are the two properties that make a good index fossil?
Widely distributed and lived for a short period of time
Explain the theory of evolution through natural selection?
How do scientists piece together what the climate was like long ago?
Using air bubbles in ice cores
What interval of time is known as the Age of Reptiles?
Name the two methods that give evidence of rocks being older than 10 million years
Uranium-Lead and Rubidium Strontium
Name 3 science jobs related to Earth History we have looked at?
Paleontologist, geologist, ice core scientist, paleobotanist, science journalist
The bonus question on your test will be about Shakespeare. Name three plays by Shakespeare.
If you don't name three I'm disappointed in all of you
Why are we able to find dinosaurs fossils all over the world?
During the time of the dinosaurs, a supercontinent existed. Over time, the continent broke up and drifted apart. (This is known as continental drift).
What is the full GST that we live in?
Cenozoic Era > Quarternary Period > Holocene Epoch (or Anthropocene Epoch)