What hemisphere are we located in?
Northern Hemisphere
How many times a year are we able to view the Manhattanhenge phenomena?
The direction that the Earth rotates and orbits around the sun.
The star that never appears to move in the sky.
North Star
How many phases of the moon are there?
If it's summer in the northern hemisphere, then it's _________ in the southern hemisphere.
Are we closer or further away from the Sun in the summer?
This happens every 4 years; This is the reason why we occasionally have an extra day during February (Feb. 29th)
Leap Year
How long is a year?
365.25 or 365 1/4 days
This phase occurs when the entire Moon is visible from Earth.
Full Moon
The sun rises in the ________ and sets in the ________.
The term we use for how the Earth spins in place.
The term we use for how the Earth moves around the Sun.
This phase occurs when none of the Moon is visible.
New Moon
How many degrees is Earth's tilt?
What is the name for the phenomena that shows the sun moving in a figure 8 over the course of a year?
The change in temperature, hours of sunlight, and weather over the course of a year.
The height of the sun in the sky from Earth.
Solar Elevation
How many days does it take for the moon to go through all of its phases (a.k.a moon cycle)?
29.5 days
What season is it in July in Australia?
Why are the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn important?
They are the places on earth that get the most direct sunlight in Summer and Winter.
These are the longest and shortest days of the year.
Solstice (Summer and Winter Solstice)
These are the days during the year when we have almost the same hours of daylight and same hours of darkness.
Equinox (Spring and Fall Equinox)
The U.S Space agency that sent astronauts to the Moon.