Our Solar System
The Sun
The Earth
Inner vs. Outer Planets
The Moon
Eclipses and Tides
Review: Measurement Tools
Review: Observation vs. Inference

What does the word "Solar" mean?



What is the Sun made of?

Hot Gas


What is the Science word for the shape of the Earth?



______ Planets are close to the Sun, while ______ Planets are farther from the Sun. 

Inner Planets are close to the Sun, while Outer Planets are farther from the Sun.


The moon takes _______ to revolve around ______ one time.

The moon takes one month to revolve around the Earth one time.


In a Solar Eclipse, the ____'s appearance changes, but in a Lunar Eclipse, the ____'s appearance changes. 




We use _____ to let us touch dangerous things.



Observations come from our _____, but Inferences come from our ______. 

Observations come from our Senses, but Inferences come from our Brain.


What is at the center of the Solar System?

The Sun


When it is daytime in Asia, it is _____ in Boston because ____________.

When it is daytime in Asia, it is nighttime in Boston because Boston is on the other side of the Earth.


How many Earths could fit across the center of the Sun?



Inner Planets have _____ moons and rings, while Outer Planets have _____ moons and rings.

Inner Planets have 0 to 2 moons and rings, while Outer Planets have many moons and rings.


The moon is always really a ______, but we see different ______.

The moon is always really a sphere, but we see different phases. 


We call it _____, when the ocean waves are at their highest each day, and _____, when the waves are at their lowest. These tides are caused by the _____'s gravity.

High Tide

Low Tide



A cricket is making very quiet chirping sounds. 

What tool can I use to hear it better?

A microphone


Our five senses are: 

See, Hear, Smell, Taste, and Touch.


How many planets are in the Solar System, and what number is the Earth?

8; 3


Why does the Sun have so much gravity? 

Because it is so big


What is the imaginary pole that runs through the Earth from the North to the South pole called?



Inner Planets are made of _______, while Outer Planets are made of _______.

Inner Planets are made of Rock and Metal, while Outer Planets are made of Gas.


The moon appears to rise in the _____ and set in the _____, just like the _____.

The moon appears to rise in the East and set in the West, just like the Sun. 


In a Solar Eclipse, the _____ looks _____, but in a Lunar Eclipse, the _____ looks _____.

In a Solar Eclipse, the Sun looks black, but in a Lunar Eclipse, the moon looks red.


A butterfly has beautiful designs on its wings, but I need to make them bigger in order to see them. What tool should I use?

A microscope


I make an inference that a child fell off their bike. 

What might be two observations to support my inference?

I hear them crying.

I see them holding their knee. 

I see the bike on the ground.

I heard the crash. 


What force keeps objects in the Solar System revolving around the Sun?



Why does the Sun appear bigger and brighter than all the other stars?

Because it is so close


Name the two ways Earth moves.




Name two differences between Inner and Outer Planets.

Inner Planets are small and hot, while Outer Planets are big and cold. 

Inner Planets have few rings or moons, while Outer Planets have many rings and moons.

Inner Planets are close to the Sun, while Outer Planets are far from the Sun.

Inner Planets are made of rock, while Outer Planets are made of gas.


We see phases like ____ Moon, ______ Moon, and ____ Moon because ___________.

We see phases like New Moon, Quarter Moon, and Full Moon because the Moon is revolving around the Earth. (Or because we see different amounts of the lit-up part). 


We don't see an eclipse every month because ______.

The moon's revolution around the Earth is tilted.

(Or the moon, Earth and Sun don't exactly line up every month).


What tool can I use to measure how heavy something is?

A scale


I see red and brown leaves. 

I feel cold air. 

I hear geese honking as they prepare to fly South.

What inference might I make about the season?

It's Fall!


The Earth takes ______ to revolve around the Sun.

The Outer Planets take longer because _______.

365 days (or one year)

They are farther away, so they have a longer distance to travel.


The Sun appears to rise in the _____ and set in the _____ because ___________.

The Sun appears to rise in the East and set in the West because Earth is rotating.


The Earth takes _______ to revolve around ______, and ______ to rotate around _________.

The Earth takes one year to revolve around the Sun and 24 hours to rotate around its axis.


Give two reasons it would be harder for astronauts to visit Outer Planets.

They would need to travel through the Asteroid Belt. The Outer Planets are made of Gas, so you cannot land on them.

The Outer Planets have rings of debris you would need to fly through. 

The Outer Planets are very cold, so you would need special equipment.

The Outer Planets are much further away so it would take longer to travel there. 


We see a ____ Moon when we can see all of the lit-up part, and a _____ Moon when we can see none of the lit-up part. 

Which one makes Moby sad?

We see a Full Moon when we can see all of the lit-up part, and a New Moon when we can see none of the lit-up part. 

The New Moon makes Moby sad, because he thinks the moon is missing.


Name two differences between a Solar Eclipse and a Lunar Eclipse. 

In a Solar Eclipse, the Sun turns black, but in a Lunar Eclipse, the moon turns red. 

Only a small part of Earth can see a Solar Eclipse, but half of Earth can see a Lunar Eclipse. 

A Solar Eclipse happens during a new moon, but a Lunar Eclipse happens during a full moon. 

A Solar Eclipse is only a few minutes, but a Lunar Eclipse takes over an hour. 


Dr. Bercaw wears a ______ to measure _______.

Dr. Bercaw wears a stopwatch to measure how long things take.


I smell smoke.

I hear an alarm. 

I feel hot.

I see people leaving the building. 

What inference can I make?

People are evacuating due to a fire!