Expected weather average temp over time is:
Energy created by the movement of air:
Wind energy
The layer of the atmosphere closest to Earth with atmosphere and weather:
A Exosphere B. Thermosphere. C. Troposphere
C. Troposphere
Fluffy Clouds indicating fair weather:
A. Cumulus
B. Cirrus
C. Stratus
A. Cumulus
Excessive nutrients in the lakes or other bodies of water, making excessive algae growth:
A. UV rays
B. Fracking
C. Eutrophication
C. Eutrophication
How many years has JJ taught?
A. 13 years. B.32 years. C. 42 years
C 42
Daily temperature, cloudiness and precipitation is:
Energy using the heat from inner Earth:
Geo thermal
Layer of atmosphere where the Ozone layer is:
A. Thermosphere
B. Stratosphere
C. Exosphere
B. Straosphere
High wispy clouds:
A. Cumulus
B. Cirrus
C. Cumulonimbus
B. Cirrus
The Amazing light display on the poles are called:
A. UV rays
B. Ozone
C. Auroras
c. Auroras
How many animals does JJ have?
2 dogs , 1 cat
Rainfall containing acidic levels causing environmental trouble is :
Acid rain
Electricity created by moving water:
Hydro electricity
What layer extends out to deep space:
A. Strato
B Meso
C. Exo
C. Exosphere
Clouds with layers, indicates drizzle:
A. Stratus
B. Cirrus
C. Cumulus
A. Stratus
What is one reason people do not want wind turbines near their home:
A. Noise
B. Smoke
C. Interferes with fishing
A. Noise
How many kids does JJ have?
Wheel that turns to make energy in many alternative energy sources:
Process that breaks up rock using underground drilling and water to access natural gas.
Meteors burn up in this layer:
A. Meso
B. Strato
C . Exo
A. Meso
What does Alto mean in meteorology:
A. Low
B. Mid level
C. High
B. Mid level
What is a con about Fracking?
A. Noise
B. water pollution
C. Noise
B. Water pollution
What is JJ wild dogs name?
Organic material that comes from living material is called:
Fission or splitting atoms take place using uranium to create energy. This is called :
Nuclear energy
Layer where auroras are found:
A. Thermo
B. Exo
C Meso
B Thermo
Which cloud is known for an anvil shape and indicates extreme weather:
A. Stratus
B Cumulonimbus
C. Cumulus
B Cumulonimbus
Which type of clouds are made up ice crystals:
A. High level
B. Low level
C. Mid level
A. High level
What year did this high school open?