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A scientist who studies the classification and origin of all types of rocks is called a __________.

1. mineralogist

2. pedologist

3. sedimentologist

4. petrologist

4. petrologist


A rock that is often light enough to float in water is __________.

1. sandstone

2. pumice

3. marble

4. flint

2. pumice


Which of the following processes would occur between deposition and cementation in the formation of a sedimentary rock?

1. erosion

2. petrifaction

3. precipitation

4. compaction

4. compaction


Each of the following are types of nonclastic sedimentary rock except __________.

1. chalk

2. shale

3. halite

4. limestone

2. shale


Which kind of rock used for building materials suffers the most damage from acid rain?

1. granite

2. basalt

3. quartzite

4. limestone

4. limestone


A rock that has changed due to heat or pressure is a(n) __________ rock.

1. metamorphic

2. igneous

3. sedimentary

4. petrolithic

1. metamorphic


A type of rock that is so smooth and shiny that it's called volcanic glass is __________.

1. basalt

2. obsidian

3. schist

4. andesite

2. obsidian


Which of the following does not belong with the other three?

1. sand

2. magma

3. clay

4. pebbles

2. magma


Which kind of sedimentary rock is most useful as a construction material?

1. chalk

2. mudstone

3. rock salt (halite)

4. limestone

4. limestone


Which of the following is a common example of a nonfoliated metamorphic rock?

1. schist

2. marble

3. shale

4. slate

2. marble


Rocks formed from bits and pieces of eroded rocks are called __________ rocks.

1. igneous

2. petrolithic

3. sedimentary

4. metamorphic

3. sedimentary


Igneous rocks like granite and basalt are often used for statues and important buildings because they

1. are inexpensive.

2. weigh little and are easy to transport.

3. are easy to carve.

4. are very weather resistant.

4. are very weather resistant.


Fossils are usually found in __________ rock.

1. hydrolithic

2. igneous

3. metamorphic

4. sedimentary

4. sedimentary


The original rock that was altered to form a metamorphic rock is the __________ rock.

1. ancestor

2. parent

3. base

4. source

4. source


High-quality marble rock would most likely be used for

1. veneer stone on large government buildings.

2. home foundations.

3. raw materials for integrated circuits (computer chips).

4. railroad track bedding.

1. veneer stone on large government buildings.


The individual rock particles, crystals, and sometimes fossils that combine to give a rock its texture are known as __________.

1. grains

2. source rocks

3. sediments

4. nuggets

1. grains


Which type of rock is most closely tied to the process of erosion?

1. igneous

2. metamorphic

3. sedimentary

4. none of these

3. sedimentary


Rocks formed from minerals precipitated from water are __________ rocks.

1. hydrolithic

2. clastic sedimentary

3. precipital

4. nonclastic sedimentary

4. nonclastic sedimentary


When hydrothermal fluids change rocks with which they are in contact, __________ metamorphism has occurred.

1. nonclastic

2. regional

3. chemical

4. hydrolithic

3. chemical


According to old-earth interpretations of the rock cycle, which of the following was the starting material in the cycle?

1. sediment

2. igneous rock

3. sedimentary rock

4. molten magma

4. molten magma


The grain size of glassy rocks like obsidian is __________.

1. very small

2. very large

3. nonexistent

4. medium sized

3. nonexistent


Which of the following processes would occur between deposition and cementation in the formation of a sedimentary rock?

1. erosion

2. petrifaction

3. precipitation

4. compaction

4. compaction


The settling out of materials from a solution to form inorganic nonclastic rocks is called __________.

1. compaction

2. deposition

3. cementation

4. precipitation

4. precipitation


Metamorphic rock that contains grains that appear to be aligned in a more or less parallel pattern is __________ metamorphic rock.

1. foliated

2. nonfoliated

3. nonclastic

4. clastic

1. foliated


Melting sedimentary rocks in the crust can happen only through __________.

1. subduction

2. intrusion

3. extrusion

4. compaction

1. subduction