Earth Science #1
Earth Science #2
Earth Science #3
Earth Science #4
Earth Science #5

Which device provides evidence for Earths Rotation? a)VanDeGraph Generator b)Foucault Pendulum c)Oblemeyer Sphere d)Anemometer

b) Foucault pendulum

How many layers are found in the atmosphere?



What is weather? a) the changes that occur in clouds from day to day b) the condition of the atmosphere at a given time c) the amount of rain or snow that falls in a day d) earthquakes, tornados, and other disasters

What is B: the condition of the atmosphere at a given time

Which star is located closest to the Earth? a) the North Star b) the Sun c) an astroid d) the Moon
What is B: the Sun

True or False: Period of revolution increases as the planets' distance from the Sun increases


Where is most of the water on the Earth found? a) groundwater b) glaciers c) the atmosphere d) oceans
What is D: oceans

What is an asteroid?

Called "mini planet." An asteroid is a rock that is usually found in the asteroid belt

Explain: Duration of Insolation

How long the Sun's rays are reaching Earth


The process that stars use to create their own energy and light is called:

Nuclear Fusion


True or False : A planet can have more than 1 moon


How much of the Earth's surface is covered in water? a) 3% b) 71% c) 95% d) 26%
What is B: 71%

List and explain Earth's motions

Earth rotates (spins on its axis) and revolves (spins around the sun)


Explain: Angle of Insolation

The angle at which the Sun's rays hit Earth

Explain Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn

Between these two lines are the only locations which will experience direct sunlight


List the following planets in order from the the shortest year to the longest year. a) Jupiter, Earth, Mercury, Venus b) Earth, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury c) Venus, Earth, Mercury, Jupiter d) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Jupiter

What is D: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Jupiter

name the four layers of Earth

Geosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere


Explain how seasons work

The Earth is tilted on its axis. Based on its position around the sun, the Earth receives more or less sunlight resulting in higher temperatures (summer) and lower temperatures (winter)


Biggest to smallest in the Universe

Universe, milky way, solar system, Earth


What is located at the center of our solar system? a) a black hole b) Earth c) the Moon d) the Sun

What is D: the Sun


Brian is twirling a ball on a string over his head. The string represents a pull on the ball. What is the name of the path that the ball is taking around Brian's hand? a) rotation b) pendulum c) gravity d) orbit

What is D: orbit

Categorize the planets into two categories (based on distance from the Sun). Then explain their properties.

Terrestial, Jovian

High density, rocky, small

Low density, gaseous, large


Why is it important to use the Earth's fresh water wisely? a) new water is expensive to make b) new water can't be made c) new water takes a lot of energy to make d) new water takes a long time to make

What is B: new water can't be made


Explain:Summer Solstice, Winter Solstice, Fall Equinox, Spring Equinox



What two elements are the main components of the Sun? a) helium and argon b) hydrogen and helium c) oxygen and hydrogen d) carbon and argon

What is B: hydrogen and helium


Gravity is responsible for the... a) orbits of the planets around the sun b) rotation of a planet on its axis c) tilt of the Earth d) phases of the Moon

What is A: orbits of the planets around the sun