Ocean Topography
Ocean Properties
Ocean Environments
Ocean Cycles
Ocean Mix-up

Which does not change with high and low tides?

A. local sea level

B. mean sea level

C. median sea level

b. mean sea level


Seawater has a ______ freezing point than freshwater.

(higher / lower)

BONUS: Why do people put salt on the roads in the winter?

lower; salt makes water freeze at a colder temperature, so it melts the ice


Identify zone 1:

A. intertidal

B. photic

C. aphotic

D. littoral

B. photic


______ is the main chemical building block of all living things.

A. nitrogen

B. hydrogen

C. carbon

D. oxygen

C. carbon


What is the largest ocean basin?



Mid ocean ridges are often found at _______ boundaries, and fracture zones are often found to cross them at _________ boundaries (convergent, divergent, transform)

divergent, transform


Sound travels faster in _______ than in _______ (air / water).

BONUS: What do dolphins use to "see" underwater using sound?

water, air



Upper regions of the ocean have more dissolved _________ than lower regions.



Carbon in the atmosphere is typically in the form of _________________________.

carbon dioxide


True or False: Mean sea level is slowly rising in most locations around the world.



An island atoll could have formed when... 

A. a volcanic island collapsed into a flooded caldera on whose rim coral reefs grew

B. a shallow seamount sank or sea level rose above the seamount, forcing corals to grow upward from the crater rim and forming shallow reefs

C. either A or B happened

D. neither A nor B happened

C. either A or B happened


How does salinity change throughout a narrow bay fed by a river, such as the Chesapeake bay?

salinity is lower near the mouth of the river, and higher towards the ocean edge of the bay


What zone would you find coral in?

A. intertidal

B. photic

C. aphotic

D. littoral

D. littoral


Name three places where carbon is stored in the carbon cycle.

BONUS: What form does the carbon take in each location?

atmosphere - carbon dioxide

ocean water - carbonates

rock - fossil fuels

organisms - biomolecules 


Why is the current salinity of the world’s oceans a problem for old-earth geologists?

If the earth were that old, the oceans would be far saltier.

What topographical feature is often associated with ocean trenches?

BONUS: Give one location where you would find this form.

island arcs; Alaska (the Aleutian islands), Japan, the Philippines


As you go from surface to ocean bottom, the temperature _________, the pressure __________, and the density __________.

(increases / decreases)

decreases, increases, increases


What is the difference between the littoral zone and the photic zone?

littoral zone - sunlit zone over the continental shelf

photic zone - sunlit zone of open ocean


What organisms help out the nitrogen cycle by converting it to a form usable by living organisms?



What is the scientific name for the most common salt found in the ocean?

BONUS: Can you write the chemical formula too?

sodium chloride



Describe two ways the ocean could have formed according to old-earth geologists.

  • Water was retained from the nebular cloud

  • Icy meteorites brought water


How do minerals enter ocean water? How do they leave?

Salt In - Rivers carry some dissolved minerals

Salt Out: - Living things use them
              - Clumping and settling to the seafloor
              -  Precipitate and form sediments


What is one creature that could produce bioluminescence?

firefly, angle fish, comb jellyfish, lantern fish, glow worm, bobtail squid


How does an excess of fertilizer in ocean water kill fish?

  1. Fertilizers cause algal blooms

  2. Algae die and decompose

  3. Bacteria use up oxygen

  4. Fish die


About what percentage of the earth’s surface is covered by oceans?

(Closest guess gets the points!)

71 %