The process by which natural forces move weathered rock and soil from one place to another.
(Hint: This is like the fifth time you've had this as a vocabulary word.)
Water that moves over land and carries particles with it.
True or False: Where any large mass of ice that moves slowly over land is a glacier, a continental glacier is a glacier that covers much of a continent or large island, where a valley glacier is a long, narrow glacier that flows when show and ice build up high in a mountain valley.
A part of the shore that sticks out into the ocean.
The process by which wind removes surface material.
Particles consisting of pieces of rock or soil, or the remains of plants and animals.
The scientific name for underground water.
A period of time during which glaciers covered a large portion of earth.
Ice age
An area of wave-washed sediment along the coast.
A deposit of windblown sand.
Sand Dune
A process during which the agents of erosion deposit, or lay down, sediment.
True or False: A stalagmite grows from the top of a cave, and a stalactite grows from the bottom.
False (bottom, top)
The process by which glaciers pick up rocks as they flow over land.
The process by which sediment moves down a beach with the current.
Longshore drift
Fine, wind-deposited sediment that is smaller than sand (such as particles of clay and silt).
A force that pulls matter downard.
List the three flows of water from smallest to largest.
Rill, Gully, Stream
True or False: The mixture of sediment that glaciers deposit directly on the surface is moraine, and the moraine deposited at the edge of a glacier forms a ridge called a till.
False (swap till and moraine)
A beach that projects like a finger out into the water.
True or False: Loess deposits help to form fertile farmland.
Processes that move sediment downhill.
Mass movement
Label each element of the river system.
1. Tributary
2. Oxbow Lake
3. Meander
4. Flood Plain
5. Delta
A small depression that forms when a chunk of ice is left in glacial till.
Long ridges of sand parallel to shore.
Desert pavement