Layers of the Earth
Supernatural Design of the Earth

Charles Lyell

Who is considered the father of Geology?


Soil, groundwater, clean air, sunlight, petroleum, minerals and ores in the earth are considered this type of resource.

What is a nonbiological resource?


The earth's outer layer. Solid, relatively low-density rock that is thinner under the oceans than under the mountain chains.

What is the crust?


This layer protects us from meteors and comets, blocks dangerous wavelengths of light, and contains just the right amount of oxygen necessary for life.

What is the atmosphere?


The study of the earth.

What is geology?


Forests and ocean fisheries are classified as this type of resource.

What is a biological resource?


This boundary between the crust and the mantle, marks the bottom of the crust. 

What is the Moho?


This causes the earth to have seasons.

What is the earth's tilt?


Scientific work that attempts to explain natural processes and events in the unobservable past by examining data in the present. The inferences of historical science rely heavily on a scientist's presuppositions about the origin of life, the earth, and the universe.

What is historical science?


This determines how valuable a resource is.

What is accessibility and where it is found?


To study the layers of the earth, seismologist scientists study these earthquake waves as they pass through the earth.

What are seismic waves?


This field, possibly caused by the movement of liquid metals in its center, is vital to life. Without it, dangerous radiation particles from space could reach the surface.  It also deflects or traps the continual stream of high energy, charged particles coming from the sun, called the solar wind.

What is the Earth's magnetic field?


The idea that the earth is ancient-billions of years old.  The term represents the secular approach to the history of geology, the earth, and the universe. It is the old-earth view of earth's history.

What is deep-time view?


Resources that get used up and can't be replenished.

What are nonrenewable resources?


The combination of the upper mantle and the crust that moves with tectonic plates.

What is the lithosphere?


Earth is the only planet in our solar system with this on its surface.  It covers 3/4 of the earth; dissolves and transports nutrients; has a greater ability to absorb heat than most other liquids; moderates temperatures on earth.

What is liquid water?


"The present is the key to the past," a state made by Charles Lyell, sums up this view.

What is the deep-time viewpoint?


These resources have an unlimited supply or are easily replenished.

What are renewable resources?


The hot, plastic rock that fills the earth's interior between the crust and the core.  The mantle makes up 84% of the earth's volume. Solid rock that moves with the tectonic plates and is located below the Moho boundary.

What is the mantle?


The strength of this is designed for life.  Too much of it would require organisms to use much more energy to move and birds could not fly.  Too little of it would cause organisms to have weak muscles and bones.  

What is gravity?


Scientists answer questions differently according to this.

What is a worldview?


Water, sunlight, wind, and even air. 

What are renewable resources?


1400 mi. thick and geologist believe this layer is a liquid or has liquid properties because seismic waves don't pass through liquids.  Geologists think it is mostly iron.

What is the outer core?


This feature of the earth provides evidence of supernatural design.  Only half of the main planets in our solar system have this.  The others are balls of toxic gas. 

What is a solid surface structure?


This group believes the age of the Earth is 6000-7000 years vs. the secular view of 4.5 billion years.

What is the young-earth creationists group?


Oil, coal, natural gas, silver, copper, and uranium.

What are nonrenewable resources?


This solid layer at the very center of the earth is 1500 mi. across.

What is the inner core?


This specific location of the earth is designed for life. The Earth's distance from the sun is important for preserving life.  It is far enough away from the center of the galaxy where at least one black hole is holding the galaxy together with its intense gravity. The galaxy center would be a very dangerous place for Earth because it has lots of exploding stars giving off high-energy radiation.

What is Earth's place in the Milky Way?


This biblical event does not support old-earth geology.

What is the flood?


This layer is located below the lithosphere and the rate of change of seismic wave speed in the upper mantle is much lower than it is deeper in the earth. 

What is the athenosphere?