Big Bang Theory
How long ago did the Big Bang take place?
13.7-13.8 billion years ago
What is the name of the Belgian priest who first proposed the idea of the Big Bang? (FIRST AND LAST NAME)
Georges Lemaitre
List the 4 different types of galaxies.
Define nebula.
A cloud of gas and dust in space
I shine not with light but with gravity’s might,
A black hole that swallows all in its sight.
At the heart of the Milky Way, hidden from play,
My name is a sign in the zodiac’s way.
A letter follows—what is my name?
Sagittarius A*
What does "singularity" mean in the context of the Big Bang?
The universe began from an initial point (or singularity) which has expanded over billions of years to form the universe as we now know it today.
What is redshift?
The stretching of light from a source moving away from the observer, resulting in the spectral lines shifted toward the red end of the spectrum
Define galactic year.
The time required for the Sun to orbit once around the center of the Milky Way
What is nuclear Fusion?
In stars, atoms of light elements combine to form a heavier atom.
I have no set shape, I break the mold,
With gas and dust, my story unfolds.
My stars are young, they brightly gleam,
More than millions, a cosmic dream.
Unlike spirals or clusters tight,
What kind of galaxy am I, just right?
What happened 1 second after the Big Bang?
Protons and neutrons began to form
Which astronomer used the Doppler effect to propose that the universe is expanding?
Edwin Hubble
The core of this galaxy is made of old stars and the arms contain the younger stars. These are the brightest galaxies in the universe. The Milky Way is an example.
How long ago was our solar system formed?
4.6 billion years ago
I stretch and grow, yet stay unseen,A cosmic dance where red is keen.Galaxies drift, away they fly,
A clue found shining in the sky.
This motion shows, as we rewind,
A fiery start—our past aligned.
What am I, a sign so vast,
Of the Big Bang’s explosive past?
Expanding universe
What happened 380,000 years after the Big Bang?
The temperature dropped allowing electrons to combine with hydrogen and helium nuclei to form neutral atoms. (Recombination).
This made the universe transparent to light, releasing the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation.(Either answer ok)
Explain what is happening in this picture.
Stars are moving away from Earth and their light becomes dimmer. This is called the red shift.
If stars move toward Earth, we see a blue shift – light becomes brighter.
This type of galaxy is round or oval shaped. They are older with very little gas, dust or young stars. They are not as bright as a spiral galaxy.
What percentage of the total mass of the solar system does the Sun make up?
In the cosmic past, so young and bright,
Stars grouped together, forming light.
Gravity pulled, the dance began,
Galaxies rose from dust and span.
Not at the start, but not too late,
Between two numbers, mark this date.
What time am I, when stars took flight,
And galaxies formed in the cosmic night?
500 million to 1 billion years after the big bang
How many years after the Big Bang did the first stars begin to form?
100-200 million years
What is Cosmic Microwave Background?
Leftover radiation from the Big Bang
This type of galaxy has have a central bulge surrounded by a flat disk of gas and dust but has no spiral arms.
These are thought to be spiral galaxies that have lost their gas and dust, and so are also made up of older stars.
List the steps of how our sun formed. (output)
1. Nebula/cloud of dust and gas
2. Collapse of cloud
3. Formation of spinning disk
4. Nuclear fusion at center
5. Sun formed and pulled in 99.8% of matter
6. Formation of other planets - rocky and then gas
I am a pattern, bright or dark,
A fingerprint, a glowing mark.
Each element has its own design,
A cosmic code in every line.
Through prisms bent, I tell the tale,
What am I, that never fails?
Spectral lines