The Sun
Earth's Orbit and Rotation
The Moon
Moon Phases
The Solar System

The position of your shadow is always __________ the Sun.

What is opposite?


The star at the center of the solar system that all of the solar system objects orbit. 

What is the Sun?


It takes Earth _____ to rotate on its North to South _____.

What is 24 hours/1 day and axis?


The Moon orbits ______.

What is Earth?


The phase of the Moon when all of the sunlit side of the Moon is visible from Earth is called a ________. When the sunlit side of the Moon is not visible from Earth, it's called a _______. 

What is a full moon? What is a new Moon?


The number of planets in our solar system.

What is eight?


The time of day when your shadow is always the shortest.

What is 12 pm or noon?


The Sun always rises in the _________ and sets in the ________.

What is east and west?


How long it takes Earth to make one complete orbit around the Sun.

What is 365 days or 1 year?


The Moon rises in the ______ and sets in the ______.

What is east and west?


When the Moon is getting bigger, it's called a _________ Moon. When it is getting smaller, it's called a _________ Moon.

What is a waxing Moon? What is a waning Moon?


One of the four planets that are made of gas is called a _____________ These are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

What is a gas giant planet?


What the length of your shadow depends on.

What is how high the sun is in the sky?

The Sun is highest in the sky during this season.

What is summer?


Earth's rotation is what causes ______ and ______.

What is day and night?


It takes the Moon _____ days to make one complete orbit, which is also 4 weeks or about a month.

What is 28 days?


The curved shape of the visible part of the Moon just before and after a new Moon is called a ________________.

What is a crescent Moon?


One of the four small, rocky planets closest to the Sun is called a ______________. These are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.

What is a terrestrial planet?

Your shadow is always _________ in the winter because _____________.

What is longer because the Sun is lower in the sky?


True or False: The Sun moves throughout the day.

What is false?


True or False: One half of Earth is always lit and the other half is always in shadow.

What is true?


Just like Earth, the Moon orbits in a ___________ direction.

What is counterclockwise?


The shape of the Moon when it appears to be more than a quarter but not yet full and when it is less than full but not quite a third quarter is called a ___________. 

What is a gibbous Moon?


A band of orbiting rubble that separates the gas giant planets from the terrestrial planets is called the ______________. 

What is the asteroid belt?

Your shadow is the longest at noon on _________ and the shortest at noon on _________.

What is December 21st and June 21st?


How the Sun gives light to the Moon.

What is the Sunlight reflects onto the Moon creating moonlight?


Earth technically takes ______ days to orbit the Sun, which is why we have a __________.

What is 365.25 days?

What is a leap year every 4 years?


After 4 weeks, the Moon has made one full orbit and completed one ________. 

What is lunar cycle?


A phase of the Moon in the lunar cycle halfway between a new Moon and a full Moon is called a ____________.

A phase of the Moon in the lunar cycle halfway between the full Moon and the new Moon is called a ____________.

What is a first quarter Moon? 

What is a third quarter Moon?


A huge region beyond the gas giant planets, made up of different-sized icy chunks of matter is called the ______________.

**Need to pronounce it correctly**

What is the kuiper belt?