What process do plants use to produce oxygen ?
what is the main source of energy that drives the carbon cycle ?
The sun.
Name a solid form of carbon found on Earth ?
Graphite or diamond
what is nitrogen fixation ?
The process of converting atmospheric nitrogen into a usable form for plants.
Name a type of microorganism involved in nitrogen fixation ?
Rhizobium Bacteria
Describe the role of animals in the oxygen cycle ?
Animals consume oxygen and release carbon dioxide during respiration.
Describe how carbon dioxide is absorbed by plants ?
Through Photosynthesis.
what is carbon in its gaseous form?
Carbon dioxide ( CO2 )
Describe the role of nitrifying bacteria in the nitrogen cycle ?
They convert ammonia into nitrates which plants can absorb.
how do microorganisms contribute to the nitrogen cycle ?
They facilitate nitrogen fixation and nitrification processes.
What is photosynthesis?
Photosynthesis is the process in which plants use water, sunlight and carbon dioxide to form oxygen and energy in the form of sugar. It helps maintain the oxygen level of the atmosphere.
Explain the role of decomposition in the carbon cycle ?
Decomposers break down organic matter, release carbon back into the atmosphere .
Describe carbon in the form of organic compounds ?
carbon is found in carbohydrates protein and lipids.
What is denitrification ?
The process by which bacteria converts nitrates back into nitrogen gas returning it to the atmosphere.
Explain the role of decomposers in the nitrogen cycle?
Decomposers break down organic matter releasing nitrogen back into the soil.
Explain how deforestation affect the oxygen cycle ?
Deforestation reduces the number of trees that produce oxygen.
what are fossil fuels and how do they relate to the carbon cycle ?
fossil fuels are carbon-rich resources formed from ancient organic matter.
identify a liquid form of carbon ?
carbonated water (carbon dioxide dissolved in water).
What is the nitrogen cycle?
The nitrogen cycle is a biogeochemical process where nitrogen is converted into different chemical forms as it moves through the atmosphere, soil, and organisms in an ecosystem.
Describe how the Harber-Bosch process affects the nitrogen cycle?
it artifically fixes nitrogen increasing fertilizer production and altering natural nitrogen levels.
what is the significance of the oxygen cycle in supporting life on Earth ?
it provides the oxygen necessary for the role of aerobic organisms.
Describe how human activities have impacted the carbon cycle ?
Burning fossil fuels increases atmospheric CO2 levels, contributing to climate change.
Explain the significance of carbon reservoirs ?
carbon receivers store carbon regulating its availability in the atmosphere influencing climate.
Explain the significance of the nitrogen cycle to life on Earth ?
it provides essential nutrients for plant growth which supports the food chain.
Discuss the impact of excess nitrogen from fertilizers on ecosystems?
it can lead to eutrophication harming aquatic ecosystems.