Day, Night &
Earth's Rotation
Earth's Rotation & Daily Shadow Patterns
Seasonal Changes & Shadow Length
Seasonal Patterns &
Earth's Orbit
Moon Phases,
Lunar Cycle

A large, round object in outer space that orbits a star  

What is a planet?


A tool that tells time by using the changing direction of shadows caused by the Sun's movement across the sky  

What is a sundial?


A time of year with specific weather that repeats every year

What is a season?


Circling another object, like the Earth around the Sun  

What is orbit (revolve)?


Moon phase when the Moon looks like a circle  

What is a full moon?


To spin or turn around a central point, like the Earth around its axis

What is rotate?


True or false: The location of the Sun is always in the west in the morning. 

What is false?


What is:

a. Shadows are longer in winter when the Sun’s path is lower in the sky.

c. Shadows are shorter in the summer when the Sun's path is higher in the sky.


A group of stars in the night sky that form a pattern

What is a constellation?


Moon phase when the Moon looks completely dark

What is a new moon?


The distance around a circle

What is circumference?


True or false: The location of the Sun is always in the west in the evening. 

What is true?


The Earth rotates on its axis once a day. The Moon orbits around the Earth once a month. The Earth orbits around the Sun once a year.

 What most likely causes that path to take as long as it does to change?

 a. The Earth’s rotation is most likely the cause because the pattern changes daily.

 b. The orbit of the Moon around the Earth is most likely the cause because the pattern changes monthly. 

c. The orbit of the Earth around the Sun is most likely the cause because the pattern changes yearly.

What is the orbit of the Earth around the Sun is most likely the cause because the pattern changes yearly.


True or false: All constellations can be seen at every month throughout the year. 

What is false?


Moon phase when the Moon looks like half of a circle

What is a half moon?


An imaginary line that goes through the North Pole and South Pole of the Earth

What is axis?


True or false: The Sun rises in the east at the start of the day and sets in the west at the end of the day. 

What is true?


How many hours of daylight is there each month?

What is:

January has 10 hours of daylight hours.

March has 12 hours of daylight hours.

May has 13 hours of daylight hours.

July has 14 hours of daylight hours.

September has 12 hours of daylight hours.

November has 11 hours of daylight hours.


It takes this long for the Earth to rotate on its axis.

What is 24 hours?


Moon phase when the Moon looks like a sliver

What is a crescent moon?


Looking at the pattern of day and night in the images above, what can you say about where Dante and Kim live? 

What is Dante and Kim must live on opposite sides of the Earth.


Using information from the table, which of the following patterns do you notice? 

 True or False: Shadows change throughout the day and there is no pattern. 

Shadows are longer in the early morning and late evening. 

Shadows are longest in the morning and decrease in length throughout the day.


What is false, true, false?


Leia loves taking her dog for long walks. But she only likes to walk him during daylight. Leia wants to figure out if she can take her dog out for longer walks in any particular season throughout the year.

What is Leia can take her dog for longer walks during the summer as that is when there is the most amount of daylight hours.


It takes this long for the Earth to orbit (revolve) around the Sun. Be exact.

What is 365 1/days?


Moon phase when the Moon looks like a little less than a full circle

What is a gibbous moon?