The three types of rock
What are Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic rocks?
Minerals have a...
What is a definite crystal structure and chemical composition?
Alfred Wagner's theory stating that the Earth's continents have moved over time
What is the theory of continental drift?
Resources that we will never run out of
What are renewable resources?
The outermost layer of the Earth
What is the Crust?
Rocks don't have a...
What is a definite crystal structure and chemical composition?
The line a mineral leaves if it has a hardness under 6.5
What is a streak?
The three types or plate boundaries
What are convergent, divergent, and transform boundaries?
List of all the renewable resources
What is solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, and biomass?
The only liquid earth layer
What is the Outer Core?
The way sedimentary rock is formed
What is compacting and cementing?
The hardness a mineral has to be to scratch pennies
What is 3.5?
When one plate moves under another at the point of their convergent boundary
What is a subduction zone?
Coal, Oil, and Natural Gas
What are fossil fuels?
The upper layer of the Earth's mantle
What is the asthenosphere?
The process which moves rocks to another location
What is erosion?
The four types of luster
What is dull, pearly, glassy, and metallic?
The difference between lava and magma
What is lava is above ground while magma is underneath?
The cons of hydropower
What is uses lots of land and is expensive?
The 2 layers made up of iron and nickel
What is the Inner and Outer Core?
The type of rock you have after the cooling and solidification of magma
What are igneous rocks?
Finding the density of a mineral
What is mass divided by volume?
The geological formations that occur at a transform boundary
What is an earthquake?
Reasons we still use coal in America
What is easy and reliable?
The lower part of the Earth's crust
What is the lithosphere?