If the earth is tilted towards the sun what season is it?
What are the different types of solar eclipses?
Solar and lunar
If the moon was behind the earth what phase would the moon be?
Full moon.
What is the magnetic field line?
The range of the magnet can repel or attract.
What is doctor doofenshmirtz famous line?
Perry the platypus!
What season has the most indirect sunlight?
If the moon is in the middle of both earth and sun which ellipse would there be?
Solar eclipse
Why does the new Moon occur?
New Moon occur when is directly between the sun and the earth.
Two magnets are lined up north to north, what will happen to these magnets?
It will repel.
Who is the master that teaches all 6 ninjas in ninjago?
Master wu.
Does the earth's tilt ever change?
No, it stays the same throughout the revolution even though it rotates.
Why don't we see eclipses with every New Moon and Full Moon?
Moon has tilted orbit around Earth(doesn't always line up with Sun and Earth).
What phase follows the first quarter moon?
It is a Waxing Gibbous.
Where is the force of attraction strongest on a magnet?
At the poles.
What is the name of the pizza in uncle grandpa?
Pizza steve.
If it is Jan 1st and 156 days go by what season is it?
How long does a solar eclipse last?
10 seconds to 7 minutes and 30 seconds.
Why does a blue moon occur?
Large amount of dust or smoke particles.
What is the name of the magnet if it has a "U" shape?
Horseshoe magnet.
What is the grandma called in courage the cowardly dog?
Muriel Bagge.
True or False. It is summer when the earth is closest to the sun and it is winter when the earth is farthest away from the sun
False. We have summer when the northern hemisphere is closest to the sun and winter when the northern hemisphere is farther away from the sun because of the tilt of the earth.
What is a sun spot?
Dark spots freckle the face of the Sun.
When its a super moon how much bigger than the normal moon?
It is bigger than the normal Moon by 14%.
If you take a nail some copper wire and a battery and put it all together what does it make?
A Electromagnet.
what is the name of spongebob's grandpa?
Harold SquarePants.