Give an example of something that can have a shadow.
How long is one rotation of earth on its axis?
24 hours
How does the sun's position in the sky change over 1 day?
Sun will rise in the east and appear to be moving west, where it will set.
What does opaque mean?
light cannot travel through
you cannot see through it
A shadow is pointing west and is long.
Early morning.
In what ways do shadows change during the day?
In the morning, shadows will be long. In the afternoon, around 12, the shadows will be short. Finally, in the evening before the sun sets, shadows will be long again.
How much of the earth is day vs night?
1/2 of Earth is always day and 1/2 is always night.
Is the sun higher in the sky on June 21st or December 21st?
What is a shadow?
A shadow is a dark area caused by the sun and an opaque object.
The shadow is pointing north and is short.
If you are in China, where does the sun rise?
THE EAST...always!
The sun is always on the opposite side of the shadow
What is horizon?
the line where earth's surface/sky seem to meet
Shadow is long and is pointed east.
Near sunset.
True or False: In the northern hemisphere shadows point south and in the southern hemisphere shadows point north.
False: Northern hemisphere they point north; Souther hemisphere they point south
Does the sun rise in the morning all over the world?
Yes, although not at the same exact time.
If the sun is higher in the sky, is your shadow long or short?
What does revolution mean?
to travel around something else in a circular path; orbit
The sun is just coming over the horizon to the east.
Why do the shadows change?
Shadows change because the sun's position in the sky appears to change.
True or False: The Earth's tilt also effects the sun's position in the sky which results in different seasons.
What direction does the earth rotate in?
counter clockwise
What does orientation mean?
the direction something points
The shadow is pointing north-west and is medium in length.
Mid morning