What are the three types of rocks?
What is Sedimentary, Igneous, and Metamorphic.
What do we term a scientist who study rocks?
What is seismograph?
What is weathering?
What is an example of a sedimentary rock?
What is the best definition for a landslide?
What is the movement of rock, earth, or debris down a sloped section of land. Landslides are caused by rain, earthquakes, volcanoes, or other factors that make the slope unstable.
O, A, E, B, C, R
How is erosion different from weathering?
Weathering is the break down of rock. Once the rock has been broken apart or weakened, erosion carries the rock to a new location.
How do igneous rocks form?
What is formed from the cooling and solidification of molten (melted) rock.
What are the three types of faults?
What is Strike-slip, Normal, and Reverse?
What is Cinder Cone, Composite Volcano (Stratovolcano, Shield Volcano, Lava Dome
The horizon made of parent material
What is the C horizon
What are the types of weathering? Explain.
Chemical and Physical weathering. Chemical weathering is weathering that changes the chemical composition of rock, where physcial weathering wears away at rock, but does not change the chemical nature.
What are the three types of stress that cause faults to appear?
What is Tension, Shearing, and Compression?
What are the three main causes for landslides?
What is morphology, human activity, and geology.
What is soil fertility and why is it important?
Soil fertility is the ability for soil to support growth of living things. Without healthy soil, plants and animals can not survive.
Name one example of chemical weathering.
What is acid rain, carbonic acid, oxidation.
How do boundaries, faults, and stress align to change or alter the Earth's rocks?
In what three regions do earthquakes most likely occur?
What is Mid-Atlantic ridge, Alpide belt, and circum-pacific belt.
A soil texture triangle is a tool scientists use to measure the percentage of sand, silt, and clay in soil. It determines the texture of soil and is important knowledge for famers to know what crops to plant and where to build certain buildings.
Name one example of physical weathering.