Inside the Earth
Plate Tectonics
Look at the diagram. Which layer is the youngest, oldest and explain why.
youngest: top oldest: bottom Layers of sediments build up over time.
Earthquakes occur when: A. tectonic plates rub against each other B. the magma in the Earth pushes through a hole in the crust. C. there is too much seismic activity D. tectonic plates move apart.
A. Tectonic plates rub against each other.
The center of the Earth is... A. molten lave B. solid C. gaseous D. magma
B. solid
When two continental plates collide: A. the oceans get larger. B. a tsunami is formed. C. mountains are formed. D. Continental plates do not move.
C. Mountains are formed
_________ is located in the center of the Earth. It is very hot sphere of solid iron and nickel.
Metallic Core (inner core)
Fossils of organisms that lived on coral reefs millions of years ago were discovered on Michigan land. What can geologists infer from the fossil discovery? A. That coral was once a land animal. B. The coral reef animal adapted over time and was able to survive on land. C. The fossil was discovered by an Michigander vacationing at the ocean beaches. D. That millions of years ago an ocean covered Michigan.
D. That millions of years ago an ocean covered Michigan.
What is the best inference that explains the movement of the tectonic plates. A. Solar energy moves the tectonic plates. B. The deep ocean currents move the tectonic plates. C. The hot, convecting mantle moves the tectonic plates. D. All of the above.
C. The hot, convecting mantle moves the tectonic plates.
Label the diagram of the layers of the Earth
inner core, outer core, mantle and crust
Show with your hands a divergent plate boundary. What occurs when this happens?
hands move apart, magma comes up creating new land.
________ are boundaries of the tectonic plates where plate movement occurs.
Which of the following would prove MOST useful in the relative dating of a fossil? A.humidity B. Calendars C. rock layers D. salt deposits
Rock layers
Mrs. Martinez's class was tracking and plotting earthquakes around the world. After eight months of tracking earthquakes, they discovered that the majority of earthquakes occurred in clusters and specific areas on the map. What is the best explanation for the location of earthquakes? A. Earthquakes occur int eh most populated areas of the world. B. Earthquakes occur only on coastlines of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. C. Earthquakes occur along the borders of the tectonic plates. D. Earthquakes occur where oil companies drill deep wells and make cracks int eh Earth's mantle.
C. Earthquakes occur along the borders of the tectonic plates.
What is the best answer that explains why the Earth behaves like a magnet? A. Large deposits of iron ore at the Earth's poles create a magnetic field. B. The Earth has a hard metallic core, convecting mantle, and outer crust. C. The convection currents or Earth's convecting mantle create a magnetic field. D. The compass needle aligns with the lines of force in Earth's magnetic field.
C. The convection currents or Earth's convecting mantle create a magnetic field.
What happens when two oceanic plates collide?
volcanic islands occur by magma coming up.
is made up of very hot liquid iron and nickel. The convection moves slowly around the Earth's metallic core.
convecting mantle
A paleontologist found identical fossils on the continent of Africa and the continent of South America. what inferences can the scientist make about the discovery of the same fossils in areas separated by a vast ocean? A. The animal was a good swimmer. B. That Africa and South America are the same age. C. The continents were once connected. D. That Africa is older than South America.
C. The continents were once connected.
What type of measure is used to measure the magnitude of the earthquake? A. volcanic explosive index B. Saffir-Simpson Scale C. Richter Scale D. Fujita Scale
C. Richter Scale
What layer of the Earth do we live on?
The surface of the Earth is always changing. List three examples of Earth processes that cause changes on the Earth's surface
weathering, erosion, volcanic activity, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, plate tectonics, etc.
__________ describes the motion of the Earth's plates.They are thick moving slabs of rock that lie beneath the oceans and continents.
What is plate tectonics or tectonic plates
A stick falls into a river and is carried downstream and finally sinks to the bottom of the lake. The branch becomes buried in sediment and after millions of years, a mold and cast fossil is formed. Weathering and erosion eventually bring the fossil to the surface and geologists discover it. What can the geologists learn from the fossil? A. the relative age of the fossil B. Changes in the environmental conditions of the area. C. Evidence of the type of plants that once grew in the area. D. All of the above.
D. All of the above
What is the strongest magnitude earthquake detected on Earth?
9.5. Will accept 9.
How do you use a compass and why would you want to use one?
answer varies
Label the plate boundary type below: Transform, divergent and convergent
Check answer
The ______ is the Earth's outermost shell. This includes the crust and uppermost mantle.