A sudden movement of large blocks of rocks along a fault.
What is an earthquake?
An instrument that records seismic waves.
What is a seismograph?
Molten rock that reaches the Earth's surface.
The smallest rock fragments that erupt from a volcano.
What is ash?
A massive wave triggered by an earthquake.
What is a tsunami?
This seismic wave causes the most ground movement.
What is a surface wave, or L-wave?
During an earthquake a large building sank down into the ground it was built on. This is an example of .........
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Magma flows upward through cracks in rocks for this reason.
A volcano that is not erupting currently, but could in the future, is called this.
What is a dormant volcano?
The Aleutian Trench is a subduction zone. This type of fault is causing earthquakes to occur in this area.
What is reverse?
The point beneath Earth's surface where rocks break and move.
What is the focus?
The number of seismic station readings that you need to determine an epicenter.
What is three?
A beneficial type of energy from volcanoes when underground water is heated by magma is called this.
What is geothermal energy?
A dense cloud of superheated gases and rock fragments that moves quickly downhill from an erupting volcano.
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The process that powers plate tectonics.
When an earthquake occurs, this is the first type of seismic wave that reached a nearby city.
What is primary, or P-wave?
The name of the scale that measures the strength of an earthquake.
What is the Richter scale?
The formation of the Hawaiian Islands is an example of volcanoes forming over this.
What is a hot spot?
Sometimes gases that erupt from volcanoes mix with water in the atmosphere and form this.
What is acid rain?
Define the Ring of Fire.
What is volcanic belt formed by volcanoes that is around the Pacific Rim?
Most earthquakes and volcanoes occur here.
What is along tectonic plate boundaries?
Fill in the blanks: The ______________ wall always moves relative to the __________ wall.
This type of volcano is made entirely of tephra.
What is a cinder cone volcano?
This is typically about magma that is causing a violent eruption and massive explosions.
What is the magma is high in silica and gases?
When magma cools is becomes this.
What is solid rock?