Plate boundaries
Plate tectonics
Earthquake waves

term used to describe a volcano that is not active

What is dormant?

Most divergent boundaries lie under the world's oceans. Which of these is a process that occurs at divergent boundaries: subduction of old crust, formation of new crust, plates slide past each other, or continental collisions occur?
What is formation of new crust?
Scientists think continents were once a large single landmass that broke apart and then the continents slowly DRIFTED to their present locations. What is the name given to this hypothesis?
What is continental drift?
What happens at a convergent tectonic plate boundary?
What is two tectonic plates collide with one another, causing subduction and or mountain building?
This wave travels faster, records a lower signal strength, and causes less damage.
What is the 'p' wave?

a molten mixture of rock froming substances ,gases and water from the mantel is referred to as

What is magma?

Subduction is one plate pushing underneath another plate. If an oceanic plate and a continental plate collide, which one will push underneath the other one and why.
What is the oceanic plate will push under because it is denser?
Tectonic plates puching into each other is what kind of boundary?
What is a convergent boundary?
Define epicenter.
What is the position on the Earth's surface where an earthquake begins.
This wave travels slower, records a stronger signal strength, and causes more damage.
What is the 's' wave.

Going from inner layer to outer layer, name the 3 compositional layers of the earth.

What is the core, the mantle, and the crust?

When an oceanic plate and a coninental plate collide, what is formed on the continental plate.
What are mountains (probably volcanic arc)?
What happens at a transform boundary?
What is two plates move horizontally past one another?
An Earthquake in City A registers 5.6, City B 7.8, and City C 6.8. Which city had the strongest earthquake?
What is City B?
What will happen to the graph of the 'p' and 's' waves the further the recording station is from the epicenter.
What is the distance between them on the graph will increase?

when magma reaches the surface it is called

What is lava?

Explain a convection current.
What is the transfer of energy from a recion of lower temperature to a region of higher temperature?

the solid, outer layer of the earth that consists of the crust and the rigid upper part of the mantle

What is the lithosphere?

What causes the plates to move?
What are convection currents in the mantle?

Do seismic waves carry energy, matter, or both as they travel from one place to another?

What is energy only as they travel from one place to another?


One of the most well known faults in the United States.

What is the San Andres Fault?

Describe a divergent boundary.
What is the plates seperate?
How do continents move?
What is continents move along with the plate they are part of?

A lahar is a ____________.

What is a mixture of rock and lava fragments with water?


This type of seismic wave causes the most damage.

What are 's' waves?