Building Up Earth's Surface
Wearing Down Earth's Surface
Slow and Fast Changes
Earth's Features
Earth's rocky outer layer
What is crust
The dropping, or releasing of sediments that have been moved from one place to another, that is considered a constructive force.
What is deposition
These two factors play a major role in mechanical weathering.
What are ice and moving air
After a cave has formed, the rock above the cave often has little support, and may collapse forming one of these
What is a sinkhole
High landforms with fairly flat surfaces that are often found along the tops of canyons. These can extend for many miles on either side of a canyon.
What are plateaus
A map that shows the shape of surface features and their elevations, or heights above sea level.
What is topographic map
A fan-shaped land mass that forms after a river rushes down a steep slope, then slows over a flat plain.
What is an alluvial fan
This is the main factor that causes chemical weathering.
What is water
Large movements of land that tumble down a steep slope are called this
What are landslides
This type of water is the most plentiful on Earth and is found in oceans and seas.
What is salt water
Connect points on a map that have the same elevation
What is contour lines
A low plain that forms where a river enters an ocean.
What is a delta.
Acidic water dissolves minerals in rock and makes holes or hollow areas underground that are called this
What are caves
Besides for gravity causing landslides, other destructive forces are involved, name one of those forces.
What is erosion from 1) rivers ,2)rain, 3)glaciers, 4)ocean water
The continental margin of the ocean floor has three parts, starting at the water's edge name the three parts.
What is 1) the continental shelf, 2) the continental slope, 3) the continental rise
A destructive force that breaks down something, such as rocks
What is weathering
The deposits that often form on the ocean floor, made from huge deposits of lava with gently sloping sides. The Hawaiian Islands are actually the tops of several giant these
What is shield cones
These are narrow sections of land that jut out into the ocean, usually they are cliffs of hard rock.
What are headlands
The features of a marble statue would last longer in either a dry desert region or in a warm, moist region, tell us which one and explain.
What is in a desert region where there is little flowing water, or rain, to weather the statue.
This is a region of deep canyons and mountain chains that are beyond the continental margin.
What is the ocean basin
The carrying away of sediments by moving water, wind, or moving ice
What is erosion
This type of land form can also form when tectonic plates collide, folding and lifting upward.
What is mountains
One of the three major effects of glaciers on the landscape of North America
What is they 1)helped shape the rolling plains in the northern U.S. , 2)carved out the Great Lakes, and 3) formed more than 10,000 lakes in Minnesota.
After a shallow stream erodes its channel it grows into a river, in time the river cuts a V-shaped valley called this
What is a canyon
Beaches that from along a rocky coastline that are small and curve landward. They have sand filling spaces between rocky cliffs.
What are pocket beaches