Moving Continents?
Moving Plates
Plates and Boundaries
Layers of the Earth
Results of Moving Plates

This German scientist first published the idea that all the continents had once been joined as a "supercontinent."

What is Alfred Wegener?

Hot, fluid rock in the mantle is called this...
What is magma?

Name the two types of plates.

Hint: Think about what is on top of the plate on the crust.

What are oceanic and continental plates?

Name the layers of the Earth starting from the inside.

What are inner core, outer core, mantle, crust?


This is an example of something that can happen when two plates collide (move towards each other).

What is mountains form, subduction, volcanoes, an ocean trench can form...?

This is the name given to the "supercontinent" before it split apart.
What is Pangaea?

This process in the mantle causes plates to move.

What are convection currents move the magma?

Of the two types of plates, this type is heavier and denser.

What is an oceanic plate?


This layer is broken into large pieces.

What is the name of this layer and what are the large pieces called?

What is the crust?

What are plates?


Sometimes when plates slide past each other the jagged layers get stuck. Pressure builds until the rock slips and moves suddenly. This is known as...

What is an earthquake?

The idea that the continents were once joined as a supercontinent and then later split apart and moved over time is called...
What is continental drift?
The process where magma oozes out between plates on the ocean floor, hardens to rock and moves the plates apart is called...
What is seafloor spreading?
This type of boundary is found where plates move apart.
What is a divergent boundary?

This layer is made up of solid iron.  It is extremely hot!

What is the inner core?


When an oceanic plate goes under a continental plate it is called this.

What is subduction?


Name 2 pieces of evidence that the continents were once joined and are in a different location than they are now.

What is -fossils of the same species found on diff. cont. -same landforms/rocks found on diff. cont. -fossils of tropical species found on diff. cont. -cont. seemed to fit together like jigsaw puzzle

This is name of the now widely accepted theory that Earth's crust is broken into plates that slowly move over the mantle.
What is plate tectonics?
This type of boundary occurs where plates move towards each other.
What is a convergent boundary?

This layer is made of liquid iron.  It is responsible for Earth's magnetism.

What is the outer core?


This deep valley forms in the ocean near the area where an oceanic plate goes under a continental plate.

What is a trench?

This was found on the ocean floor that gave support to the idea of continental drift.
What is an underwater mountain range? (a mid-ocean ridge, the seafloor was moving...)
Name two pieces of evidence of seafloor spreading.
What is -older rock is found farthest from mid-ocean ridges (or newer rock is found closest to the ridge) -seafloor rock is volcanic -the magnetism of the rock on each side of the ridge makes a pattern that matches on both sides
This type of boundary occurs where plates move past each other.
What is a transform boundary?

This is not a separate layer, but it is what scientists call the crust along with the very top part of the mantle.

What is the lithosphere?


This crack/valley happens on land where two continental plates are moving apart.  There is a famous one of these in Africa.

What is a rift, or rift valley?