Motion of one celestial body around another
The largest planet in our Solar System
When it is Spring in California, what season is it in New Zealand?
This is when the Moon goes from New to Full
When the Moon casts a shadow on Earth
Solar Eclipse
The amount of radiation that reaches the Earth's surface.
All planets in orbit in what direction?
What causes the change in temperature we associate with the change in seasons?
The angle of sunlight striking Earth's surface due to the tilt of Earth's Axis
The lunar phase where the Earth is between the Moon and the Sun
Full Moon
Mass and Distance are components of this Force
The tilt of the Earth's axis always.
23.5 degrees
The study of objects and matter outside the Earth's atmosphere.
This is the spinning of Earth around its axis
The partial or total blocking of light of an object in space by another
This happens to orbital motion when distance between two celestial bodies decrease
Crash into each other
The seasons when the length of day and night are "equal"
Vernal and Autumnal Equinox
Huge balls of hot gases that emits light
The oval shaped path Earth moves around the Sun
This explains eclipses occurring a few times a year rather than twice per month
The Moon's orbit at a 5 degree tilt
The most gravitationally dominant object in our Solar System
The Sun
The season when the most direct sun's rays strike the Tropic of Cancer?
The measurement used to determine the distance of objects in space.
Light Year.
The name of a Waning Moon where we see a quarter of the Moons surface in sunlight
3rd quarter Moon
The name of the tides when the Earth, Sun and Moon are aligned.
Spring Tide
The phase of the Moon in which tides are the highest
New Moon