Weather Data
Convergent Plates
Divergent Plates
Transform Plates
Ocean Currents

Name three types of data that are collected for describing weather

Possible answers:

Temperature, humidity, wind speed, precipitation, air pressure, etc.


How do tectonic plates move to form convergent plate boundaries?

One plate slips under the other


How do tectonic plates move to form divergent plate boundaries?

The tectonic plates pull apart from each other


How do tectonic plates move to form transform plate boundaries?

They rub against each other and cause extreme friction by doing so


What is the name of an ocean current cycle?



Name three tools used for collecting weather data

Possible answers:

Thermometer, barometer, rain gauge, weather station, weather balloons, etc.


What landforms and natural disasters are formed by convergent plates and how do they occur?

Mountain ranges are formed by one plate folding over the other and causing a crumpling effect

Volcanoes are formed by magma being forced out of the Earth's mantle by an oceanic plate's subduction

Earthquakes occur because of extreme vibrations and movement


What landforms and natural disasters are formed by divergent plates and how do they occur?

Valleys on land by crust moving away from each other

Ocean floor ridges by magma filling in the empty space between the two plates

Small earthquakes from tectonic plate movement


What landforms and natural disasters are formed by transform plates and how do they occur?

No land creation but fault lines are created by being the friction point of the plates

Major earthquakes from plates pulling against each other


What impacts the direction and formation of ocean currents?

Different water density layers and temperatures


Explain the difference between weather and climate

Weather- short-term with a variety of changes between each day/week

Climate- long-term with a pattern of similar weather data throughout years/decades


Explain how subduction changes the tectonic plate formation

As one tectonic plate is pulled underneath the other, it is melted away by the Earth's mantle and the old crust is destroyed


Are convergent plate boundaries categorized as destructive or constructive?



Name a famous fault line

Possible answers:

San Andreas Fault (CA,US)

Japan Trench

Himalayan Frontal Thrust


How is heat redistributed by ocean currents?

Water movement carries heat energy to different locations around the globe


How can analyzing weather data help prepare us for future weather or natural events?

Analyzing weather data provides us with patterns of how the climate of an area tends to be and allow us to infer what is likely to occur even in a short period of time


Which is more dense, oceanic or continental crust? Why?

Oceanic crust 

Oceanic crust is made of more dense rocks and elements that cause it to sink below the other crust


Where is new crust and old crust located on ocean ridges? Why?

New crust is formed near the edges of the ridge due to magma pouring out of the boundary and forming new crust

Old crust is pushed to the further areas of the ocean away from the ridges due to being pushed out by the new crust


Why are some earthquakes more intense than others?

More friction between tectonic plates, when they finally pull past each other they create stronger S and P waves


How do ocean currents affect climate patterns?

Long term changes in temperature and humidity will start to change a locations climate


Give an example of how weather affects the other Earth systems

Possible examples:

Heavy precipitation will break down rock formations and destroy ridges

Long term heat waves may damage water systems


Give an example of how convergent plates affect the other Earth systems

Possible examples:

Mountain ranges can affect weather direction and speeds

Volcanoes can affect the weather of an area when active


Give an example of how divergent plates affect the other Earth systems

Possible examples:

Changing of ocean currents due to seafloor changes

Creation of subduction zones and new convergent plate boundaries


Give an example of how transform plates affect the other Earth systems

Possible examples:

Earthquakes causing land destruction

Earthquakes can trigger volcanoes and other disasters


Give an example of how ocean currents affect the other Earth systems

Possible examples:

Ocean currents can effect the weather and climate of areas close to them

Erosion and weathering is intensified