What is the X-axis?
Stars are born
What is in a stellar nebula / a cloud of dust and gas?
What is during main sequence?
What is our sun?
What is b or f?
What is luminosity?
Makes matter collide to create a protostar
What is gravity?
Fuses heavy elements like iron
What is supergiant stage?
Red giant stage
What is extends its outer layers and grows huge?
Stars moving toward us
What is blueshifted?
The hottest star color
What is blue?
Nuclear fusion for 90% of its life
What is main sequence?
Length of life compared to a low mass star
What is living much shorter lives than low mass stars?
Low mass star's death
What is turns into a planetary nebula?
Wavelength longer than normal
What is redshift?
The diagonal from the top left to the bottom right
What is a majority of stars in their main sequence?
10% of its life
What is giant/supergiant stage?
Elements created during its life return back to Universe
What is when a star dies?
After a low mass star's death
What is turns into a white dwarf?
What is a?
Hot, dim stars
What is white dwarf in the bottom left corner of the H-R diagram?
Temperature needed to create a star
What is at least 10 million degrees Celsius?
After a supernova explosion
What is a black hole or neutron star?
Hypothetical remnant of a dead low mass star
What is a black dwarf?
2 stars having the same observed
wavelength of absorption line,
this can be concluded about its movement
What is not moving?