Physical Geography
Major Landforms
Climate and Vegetation
Natural Resources
Current Events
What country is the third largest country by land in the world?
At 29,029 feet tall this peak is the tallest in the world.
What is Mount Everest?
What is a monsoon?
Monsoons are winds that blow across the regions at certain times of the year. They bring moisture from the Pacific Ocean that comes as rainfall or snow in the higher elevations.
Define import and export.
Import is buying goods from another country for money. Export is selling goods to another country in return for money.
If trends continue, there will be more of this in Earth's Oceans by 2050 than there are fish in the Ocean.
What is plastic/trash?
What 6 countries make up the region of East Asia?
China, Japan, Taiwan, North Korea, South Korea, and Mongolia.
This river is the shorter of the two major rivers in China and has roughly 400 million residents along it's banks.
What is the Huang He or Yellow River?
Name three types of climates found in East Asia.
Arid – Dry, Semiarid – Drier than usual, Highlands – Flat, elevated land, Humid Subtropical – Hot summers, cool winters, plenty of rain, Humid Continental – Warm summers, cold and frigid winters
Explain double cropping.
Double cropping is when one plot of land grows two or more crops in one year.
This year, these two teams will meet in Super Bowl 51 which will be held in Houston, Texas.
Who are the New England Patriots and Atlanta Falcons?
How were the island countries of East Asia formed? What do we call a group of islands?
They were formed by underwater volcanic eruptions. We call them an archipelago.
A flat, elevated piece of land in southwest China.
What is the Plateau of Tibet?
What is the difference between a hurricane and a typhoon?
Hurricanes occur in the Atlantic Ocean and Typhoons occur in the Pacific Ocean.
What is Aquaculture? How do Asians use this technique?
Sea farming, raise fish in cages as well as oysters and clams in shallow bay waters.
This country is in the early stages of sending a space flight to the "dark side" of the moon.
What is China?
How did the region of East Asia form into what it looks like today?
Eastern Asia formed millions of years ago when two of the Earths tectonic plates met along the border of China and India. This caused the Earth’s crust to wrinkle and buckle creating mountain ranges.
This natural East Asian wonder forms the border of China and India.
What is the Himalayas?
What part of East Asia resembles the vegetation of the Northeast United States?
The east coast of China and the Korean peninsula.
What is terracing and why is it so important?
Cutting ledges into the side of hills to grow crops. This allows Asian countries to use all parts of possible land for farming.
The CDC has confirmed the outbreak of nearly 278 cases of the MUMPS virus in this western time zone state.
What is Washington State?
Approximately how many people live in the entire region of East Asia?
1.8 Billion people, more than 1/4 of the entire world population.
What makes the Gobi Desert so unique?
It is the coldest desert in the world with an average temp of only 70 degrees.
What is the nickname for the Yellow River? How was the river a blessing and a curse?
“China’s Sorrow” it was a blessing because the small seasonal floods brought very fertile lands for crops. A curse because strong floods caused damage to crops, buildings, and people.
Name ten mineral resources that can be found in East Asia.
Iron, Copper, Gold, Silver, Coal, Oil, Lead, Graphite, Nickel, Tungsten, and Tin.
Astronauts have begun prepping for the vigor of space by camping in these geographical Earth landmarks.
What is a cave or cavern?