What is occurs in countries located on the Ring of Fire?
Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes/tsunamis
For what country in this region did the U.S. help fight a war and why?
South Korea, to stop North Korea from invading it and spreading Communism
Why are women in China having fewer children now than they did 30 years ago?
The "one child policy" for their population
What is the Demilitarized Zone and where is it located?
A neutral area between North and South Korea
What is a Special Economic Zone?
An area that has the ability to develop a market economy with no government control of business
What desert is in Mongolia?
The Gobi Desert
Explain the idea of the "dynastic style." How did it relate to religious ideas of the ancient Chinese?
The pattern in the rise and fall of dynasties; length of dynasty in charge was determined by the gods worshiped - the gods appointed the ruler, but if natural disasters happened, it was the gods punishing the dynasty
What is "China" made out of? Give an example of it that we use everyday.
Porcelain; bathtubs, sinks, toilets, dishes, teapots, tiles
What do the governments of China and North Korea have in common?
They are both Communist; but North Korea is controlled by a complete dictatorship, while China's leaders are "elected"
Which country exports more than any other country?
What is the term for a group of islands? How does that term relate to this region?
Archipelago; the country of Japan is an archipelago
What caused the Japanese emperors to begin loosing power in 1000?
Landowning lords expanded their estates and grew increasingly powerful
What is the name for Japanese style animation? What from western culture helped influence it?
Anime; Disney did, specifically the big eyes drawn on the characters of Bambi
Why did China's government put the one-child policy into place?
Because the population was growing very rapidly and when it was still under strict government control, it was hard for the government to grow enough food to feed everyone
Which country is Taiwan's most important economic partner, why?
China; because of how close they are and that Taiwan is a small island that needs the help of a large economy like China
What type of energy is produced by the Three Gorges Dam?
Hydroelectric energy
How did the Korean War end?
They signed an agreement to stop fighing; neither side won and Korea is still divided today
What is an ethical system? What does it teach?
A belief system that teaches moral (right) behavior
How do North Korea's and South Korea's governments relate to each other? Describe the current relationship between them.
North is Communist, South is Democratic; they have had a tense relationship since the end of the Korean War (1953)
How have SEZs helped China's economy? What world rank does it have today?
They allowed entrepreneurship and people to freely buy and sell what they want/need (free market); second largest economy in the world
Where does most of China's population live? Why?
On the Pacific Coast because the western interior of the country is mountainous and dry
What was the Cultural Revolution?
A time in China's history when the Communist leader Chairman Mao wanted to rid China of all anti-communist or "western" ideas
Based on their governments, how would the culture of people in North Korea and South Korea be different?
South Korea would have more choices and more western influence; North Korea is more closed off and have to follow strict rules
Explain the situation of Taiwan's government's status.
Taiwan, as well as other countries (including the U.S.) recognizes their government as separate from China; China views Taiwan as a province, but leaves them alone if they don't declare independence
How are Japan's and America's economy connected?
Japan relies on countries like America to import their goods, when the American economy is down and American's can't afford to buy Japanese products (such as cars and electronics) Japan's economy goes down as well