Characteristics of Tiger economies
Tiger economies are focused on exports to rich industrialized nations.
what are Tiger economies focused on?
Seoul emerged as the world's largest trading nation in 1980
what year did Seoul emerge as the world's largest trading nation?
labor-intensive light industries that produced consumer goods caused more people to work in them since other industries were no longer focused on as much
What industries did people work in because of investments in them?
Taiwan is the world’s 24th largest economy
Taiwan is the world’s __th largest economy.
Tiger economies strive to sustain double-digit growth
What do Tiger economies strive to sustain for decades?
socialist countries coupled with their recognition of Seoul's economic growth pushed economic trade and cooperation between South Korea and socialist countries into full swing.
what did economic reforms do to South Korea to put the trade in full swing?
Deregulation of various financial areas (banking, stock market, trade, finance, etc.) during the 1990s was an attempt to liberalize the economy and was a sign of Taiwan's desire to join the World Trade Organization.
What event showed that Taiwan had a desire to join the World Trade Organization?
South Korea concentrated on stabilization and it devoted its first two years to controlling inflation, while also, attempting to bring economic recovery
What did South Korea spend two years concentrating on?
Tiger economies have High tariffs on imports
what do Tiger economies have on imports?
South Korea was primarily established by the United States and was saved from a total collapse in the course of the Korean War making them have an Intense relationship
Why does South Korea have such Intense relationships with the US?
Being Increasingly dynamic and diverse the 16th largest exporter
Taiwan is the 16th largest _______.
Import restrictions were lifted In South Korea to help the economy
What lifted restrictions helped the economy in South Korea?
Tiger economies have a High savings rate
Tiger economies have what kind of savings rate?
The US still will maintain cultural, commercial, and other unofficial relations with the people of Taiwan
The US has recognized Taiwan as part of China it will maintain what kind of relations with the people of Taiwan?
The Japanese opened themselves to Western ideas and influence and experienced revolutionary social, political, and economic changes
What did the Japanese open themselves to?
Investment was redirected from the capital intensive heavy and chemical industries
What kind of Labor industries was investment redirected from?
Tiger economies have undervalued currencies
what kinda of value does Tiger economy currency have?
Government changes helped South Korea's Economy improve
Changes in what helped South Korea's Economy improve?
Agriculture and fishing dominated the Japanese economy through the 1940s, but declined
What declined in Japanese economy after the 1940s?
Japan’s economy is primarily the product of private entrepreneurship
What primarily is Japan's economy a product of?