Land of the East
Resources of the East and South
Economy of the East and South
Elements of Business
Land of the South
This is the landform that is flat, level land along the coast
What is coastal plain
These are some of the natural resources found in the East.
What are rivers, forests, farmlands, fish, oceans, coal, stone.
This is the economic system in which decisions are mades by people acting as buyers and sellers.
What is a market economy
These are what businesses need to make goods or provide services.
What are natural resources, capital good, and human resources
This is a piece of land that is surrounded by water on 3 sides
What is a peninsula
The Eastern region is located here.
What is between the Great Lakes and Atlantic Ocean
The Atlantic Ocean is an important natural resource for this reason.
What is because it a great source of fish and seafood.
The money left over after businesses pay their expenses or bills
What is profit
The tools, machines, buildings, and other equipment that a buisiness use is called __________.
What is capital goods
A triangle-shaped piece of land that is located at the mouth of a river is called a __________.
What is a delta
This is a point of land that sticks out into the water.
What is a cape.
The forests of the East are important natural resources of the East because...
What is they provide wood for buildings, paper, furniture, and fuel
Human resources provide people with what?
What is skills, knowledge, intelligence
These are the people that make and sell goods and services
What are producers
These are 3 physical characteristics or landforms that define the Upper South
What are plateaurs, hills, and valleys
These are the 2 main landforms in the East.
What are the Appalachian Mountians and the coastal plains.
These is a barrier built across a waterway to control the flow and level of water.
What is a dam.
The farmland of the East is an important natural resource because
What is producing a variety of crops such as blueberries, vegetables, and fruit.
These are the people that buy and uses goods and services.
What are consumers
Peninsulas, deltas, wetlands, and two other landforms are some of the landforms that can be found in the South.
What are mountains and wetlands
This is a body of water partly surrounded by land but partly open to the sea.
What is a bay
The choices of these two "people" make determine how resources are used in the nation's economy.
What are producers and consumers
These are two of the many services provided in the East
What are banking, communication, hotels, recreation, tourism, and and restaurants.
How are capital goods different from human resources?
What is capital resources are the tools and materials needed, and human resources are the knowledge and skills that people provide
Latitude, elevation, and closeness to water are factors that control what?
What is climate